Sprawdzenie listu .

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My name is Patrycja and I'm sixteen years old. I'm from Gdańsk. I live with my parent. My older brother lives with his wife. My dad is director of the company and my mum is a seamstress. I love watching horror films and reading books. I like spending time with my friends.

I don't know anuthing about your hometown. Can you told me how big is it? What sort of thing can you do there? How far away is from airport for your home?

I arrive on Saturday 9th March. Could you told me who will meet me at the airport? I'm really looking forward to metting you.
Best wishes,
I live with my parent. My older brother lives with his wife. My dad is ___ director of the company and my mum is a seamstress.
I don't know anuthing about your hometown. Can you told me how big is it? What sort of thing can you do there? How far away is from airport for your home? /kolejnosc/
I arrive on Saturday 9th ___ March. Could you told me who will meet me at the airport? I'm really looking forward to metting you.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 24 paź 2012
dzieki ;)


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