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Is it better to have a mam or a woman as a boss?
Some people prefer a male boss while others prefer a female boss. Who are better bosses. Women or Men?
The main different between the boss who is a man and the boss who is a woman is apporach to their employer. In my opinion women are better emplyer than men. I have every reason to believe that I am in the right. The women are more sensitive and they can create a good atmosphere which is very important in job. The atmosphere is a great way to create harmony and unity at work. the women have better contact with employees as well. however, the men are more despotic and they rule with an "iron hand"
If somebody have problems different from work, you should not be afraid to come up and talk about them. The women always try to help you in difficulty.
For all these reason I can say that a female boss is better than male boss. Although the discipline is needed as well
The main 'different' (zla czesc mowy) between 'the' (A) boss who is a man and 'the' A boss who is a woman is (cos brak) 'apporach' (ortog) to their 'employer' (calkowicie zle slowo). In my opinion women are better 'emplyer' (ortog ale i tak musi byc w l. mn) than men.
'The' (niepotr) Women are more sensitive and they can create a good atmosphere which is very important in (cos brak) job.
'the' (niepotr) Women have better contact with employees as well. however, the men are more despotic and they rule with an "iron hand"
If somebody 'have' (zle, 'somebody to 3os.l.poj) problems 'different' (day 'away') from work, you should not be afraid to come up and talk about them. The women always try to help you in (cos brak) difficulty.
For all these 'reason' (popraw tu l. mn) I can say that a female boss is better than (cos brak) male boss. Although 'the' (niepotr) discipline is needed as well.
The main difference between a boss who is a man and a boss who is a woman is (cos brak) approach to their staff ' miałem na mysli employees. In my opinion women are better 'employers' ) than men.
Women are more sensitive and they can create a good atmosphere which is very important in the ) job.
Women have better contact with employees as well. however, the men are more despotic and they rule with an "iron hand"
If somebody has problems 'different'tu nie wiem, co muszę napisać inne niż (day 'away') from work, you should not be afraid to come up and talk about them. Women always try to help you in your) difficulty.
For all these 'reasons' ( I can say that a female boss is better than a male boss. Although discipline is needed as well.

teraz moze byc, tylko nie wiem, jak jedna rzecz poprawic
The main difference between a boss who is a man and a boss who is a woman is (cos brak ) approach to their staff . In my opinion women are better 'employERS than men.
If somebody has problems 'different' (ale ja ci podalam AWAY from work, you should not be afraid to come up and talk about them.
woman is (cos brak ) approach- nie mam pomysłu
ale przychodzi mi na myśl has better approach.

poza tym dzięki Terri


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