
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy dobrze zrobiłem? proszę o poprawę błędów

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

0 I’ve lived in this house since/for I was ten years old. według mnie since
1 She hasn’t been to Germany since/for years. for
2 We haven’t been on holiday since/for last year. since
3 He hasn’t been to school since/for two days. for
4 They’ve been married since/for 1998. since
5 Have you seen her since/for yesterday? since
6 Keyvan’s been into jazz music since/for last year since

wszystko ok
A jeszcze jedno ćwiczonko chciałoby się Wam sprawdzić :) ?

Choose the correct words to complete the sente
0 I’ve lived in this house since/for I was ten years --since
1 They’ve known us since/for school. ---since
2 She’s worked in Poland since/for last summer.---for
3 They’ve had a car since/for three years. since
4 Has she already worked there since/for a month---since
5 I’ve loved his music since/for I was a child. ---since
6 We’ve been engaged since/for a month. ---since
Ponawiam proźbę o sprawdzenie bo nie wiem czy to jest dobrze ;)
dużo źle.
popatrz na poprzednie cwiczenie i popraw
Teraz lepiej? :)

Choose the correct words to complete the sente
0 I’ve lived in this house since/for I was ten years --since
1 They’ve known us since/for school. ---since
2 She’s worked in Poland since/for last summer.---since
3 They’ve had a car since/for three years. for
4 Has she already worked there since/for a month---for
5 I’ve loved his music since/for I was a child. ---since
6 We’ve been engaged since/for a month. ---for
teraz jest ok, ale czy w 0 nie ma 'ten years old'?
Rzeczwyiście powinno być jeszcze old :) nie zauważyłem , dziękuje!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.