Poproszę o sprawdzenie:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Dear Mr. Tom,
Unfortunately, you still didn’t charge my credit card for my first night in Your Pension (90 Euro). In my last e-mail I asked you to charge or block my money from my credit card until 29.03.2013.
Can you tell me what was a problem?
This is my credit card’s details:
- the name of the owner of the card:...
- the credit card number:...
- the security code:...
-the expiration date:...
I would be very pleased if you block or charge 90 euro from my credit card from today to 06.04.2013. Later it will be impossible.
I would like to fulfill all the requirements to be sure that I booked a room in Your Pension from 04.06 to 11.08.2013.
Maybe would you like to transfer money into your bank account? If so, I need your account number. I will send money immediately.
As soon as I find out hour of our arrival, I'll let you know.

With best regards
what's wrong with you?
I'm at camp and I'm feeling ill and Mr. John brought me here. I have stomachache and headache.
You have stomach flu, maybe. I must do additional medical. You should go to the hospital for few days
Can I get well in house?
No, because you must do additional medical
Ok, where is a hospital?
Roses Street 54
Can you repeat the hospital's adress? Thanks a lot.
Proszę o sprawdzenie
Wiesz ze robisz balagan 'podpinajac' sie pod cudzy watek?
edytowany przez fui_eu: 03 kwi 2013
Pomoge Ci w poczatkowych zdaniach. Zamiast
"you still didn’t charge my credit" powinno być "you have not charged my credit card yet"
1 zdanie z "yet" jest neutralne, użycie "still" wprowadza element zniecierlinwienia z twojej strony lub pewnej natarczywości, co nie brzmi uprzejmie
2 Brytyjczyk użyłby czasun Present Perfect
3 to raczej formalne pismo, więc nie uzywa sie skrótów typu "didn't"

Can you tell me what was a problem?
W zdaniu podrzednym uzywamy szyku zdania oznajmującego, czyli
Can you tell me what the problem was.
Co masz na mysli piszac block or charge i charge or block i od kiedy wysylamy security code przez email /chyba ze ten zwrot ma znaczenie, ktorego nie znam/.
Cytat: fui_eu
.... i od kiedy wysylamy security code przez email ...

Wait, I guess I know. When a patient is diagnosed with the inexorably progressive degenration of the brain cells .
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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