Rozprawka- b.pilne

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Rozprawka na temat: Niektórzy uważają, że młodym ludziom nie zależy na tzw. dobru społecznym i że są pokoleniem ludzi skupionych na swoich potrzebach i pragnieniach. Proszę o SZYBKIE sprawdzenie :)
Some people think that the young people don't take care about common good and they're generation of people focused on their needs and desires. But how is it really?
The first argument confirming this statement is that they do not have time for themselves, and they are find different, and often more important problems than concern for the common weal.
Secondly, Many of the young people follow the fashion. And now it is believed that social movements such as greenpeace are very fashionable. And it is often the reason to join for such groups.
Besides, Experts say that the young generation is a generation of lazy people. So many of the youth will watch soap operas than the interest to be such things.
On the other hand, They often think that they do not improve the social situation thinking that this is impossible. That's why they do not try to change anything, but that does not mean they do not care.
What is more, People are more educated and know what is good for them, which is why more and more people are stand up for the common good.
Finally, They are more and more often aware that if it will be a bad situation in the society, their living conditions will worsen too.
To sum up, I think the arguments against this statement outweigh the arguments for. And I must add that people care about society, but other people often do not see it.
Some people think that the young people 'don't take care' (cos tu nie tak) about common good and they're (cos brak) generation of people focused on their (cos brak) needs and desires.
The first argument 'confirming' (zle slowo) this statement is that they do not have time for themselves, and they 'are find different' (tego nie rozumiem), and often more important problems than concern for the common 'weal' (zle slowo).
Secondly, Many of the young people follow 'the' (niepotr) fashion. 'And' (nie zaczynaj zdan przz 'and') now it is believed that social movements such as 'greenpeace' (duza litera, wlasna nazwa) are very fashionable. 'And' (znowu?) it is often the reason 'to' (zle slowo) 'join' (zle slowo) 'for' (niepotr) such groups.
So many 'of the' (niepotr) youthS will watch soap operas than 'the' (zle slowo) 'interest' (zle slowo) 'to be' (niepotr) (brak cos) such things.
What is more, People are more educated and know what is good for them, which is why more and more people are 'stand' (zle slowo) up for the common good.
Finally, They are more and more often aware that if 'it will be' (daj czas teraz) a bad situation in the society, their living conditions will worsen too.
To sum up, I think the arguments against this 'statement' (zle slowo, to co masz to jest 'proposition') outweigh the arguments for (for what?). 'And' (znowu) I must add that people care about society, but other people often do not see 'it' (zle slowo, tutaj THIS).


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