Podanie o pracę - Bardzo proszę o pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mój kolega poprosił mnie o pomoc w napisaniu notki, którą mógłby wstawić w formularz podania o pracę jako ochroniarz. No i coś tam naskrobaliśmy, ale ja jestem kiepska w formalnych pismach więc będę bardzo wdzięczna za rady i uwagi:

I believe that my abilities and qualifications meet the job requirements identified in your advert.
I have extensive knowledge of the security industry, public safety and of dealing professionally with emergency situations.
I take security very seriously, which is why I have decided to choose this field for my career path. I have previously worked at Club where they found me to be fully professional at all times. Whilst at this company, I was responsible for site security, which included making sure every staff member and each client stayed safe.

 I understand the importance of good security measures, which is why my approach is hands-on and serious at all times. I have a keen eye, and I often notice things that others simply miss, and I feel this is crucial. I also communicate well when needed to make sure everybody understands their responsibilities, but at the same time I work well alone.I know how important it is to have a steady and reliable presence on hand to monitor crowded places, preserve safety, and prevent theft, vandalism and other problems.
When you work in public safety, it's also important to communicate clearly and directly, without escalating tensions. I am well known for my ability to communicate with all kinds of people and I work well with others.

I would welcome an opportunity to meet you in person to discuss the specific duties required for the position and to meet the people I will be working with.
Please feel free to contact me to arrange a date and time that works for you.
Thank you for considering me for the position and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

Coś jeszczze dodać??

Z góry bardzo dziękuje ( mam wrażenie , że ten tekst jest jakoś bez ładu i składu)


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


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