charitable action

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Some days ago I was pleased to join in yearly charitable action, which has been held since 2000r in my hometown. The event was in advance created by our Mayor. Every year thousands of people come here. The festival attracts people from whole northern region of the country. This year our cheritable action took place in a local community center. This year's profit was given over to disabled 5-years girl.
The preparations have already started a few days before. Local restaurants prepared plenty of tasty dishes. Youth engaged in varied performances as attraction for guests.
The weather was pretty nice. The festival started at 1am and was entered into a great perfomance of young boy, who was singing. After that people had the option of taking part in funny games, like for example hare and hounds. Besides, the action offered an auction or lottery and some prizes were really attractive. Main of them was a reliable mountain bike. The party was completed by Mayor's speech and fireworks display. It was really nice feeling to see a smiling little girl’s face.
Overall, our aim was attained – we accumulated enough money for a necessary operation.

Our charitable action prides each year on huge popularity. Most of people want to support such a good cause. Hopefully, we will be able to help as many needy people as is possible.
'Some' (nie, to jest zle, napisz 'A few') days ago I was pleased to join in (przedimek) yearly charitable action, which has been held since '2000r' (hello? popraw) in my hometown. The event was 'in advance' (zle slowo, tutaj 'previously') created by our Mayor.
The festival attracts people from (ptrzedimek) whole northern region of the country. This year our 'cheritable' (ortog) action took place in 'a' (ja dalabym tutaj THE) local community 'center' (centreBrE). This year's profit was given over to (przedimek) disabled 5-years OLD girl.
The preparations 'have' HAD already started a few days before.
(przedimek) 'Youth' (nie, daj inne slowo, 'young'?) engaged in varied performances as attraction for (przedimek) guests.
The festival started at '1am' (1am to jest po polnocy- znaczy taka nocna atrakcja) and 'was entered into' (cos tu nei tak, chyba masz na mysli 'started') WITH a great perfomance of (przedimek) young boy', who was' (niepotr) singing. After that people had the option of taking part in funny games, 'like for example' (napisalabym tutaj 'such as') hare and hounds.
(przedimek) main ONE of them was a reliable mountain bike. The party was completed by (przedimek) Mayor's speech and (przedimek) fireworks display. It was (przedimek) really nice feeling to see a smiling little girl’s face.
Our charitable action prides ITSELF each year on huge popularity. Most of (przedmek) people want to support such a good cause.

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