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Zad 1) Tell me about a time when you (or somebody) witnessed a crime.

When my friend Thomas tried to steal one bottle of water, he thought that nobody seen this situation, but old woman caught him and hit him with her bag. She called a police.
The police arrested him with handcuffs and he had to spent 20 hours in jail and pay 25 fine.

Zad 2) Say what you think of judge Cicconetti's creative punishments. Use the words : humiliating, imaginative, offenders, effective/ ineffective.

I think that judge Cicconetti's creative punishments are imaginative, because one of the offenders had to spent all night in the woods with no food and water. I think also that they are humiliating and immoral, because a man had to stand in the street with a pig, because the man had insulted police officers by calling them "pigs". I also think that Cicconetti's creative punishments are ineffective, because one of the offenders had to ran the race and he became a regural runner and he stole woman's bag and ran away with it.

Zad 3) Write a short anecdote about what use to believe as a chil and what did you use to be afraid of.

When I was little I used to believe that ghost existed and I always used to think that they lived under my bed and every night I used to be afraid of them. I used to think that they would eat me or take me somewhere in the night. It's seems funny now, but I was really anxious every night when I was little.
When my friend Thomas tried to steal one bottle of water, he thought that nobody HAD seen this situation, but (przedimek) old woman caught him and hit him with her bag. She called 'a' THE police.
The police arrested him with handcuffs and he had to 'spent' (sprawdz to slowo) 20 hours in jail and pay (przedimek) 25 fine.

I think also that they are humiliating and immoral, because a man had to stand in the street with a pig, because the man had insulted (dalabym THE) police officers by calling them "pigs". I also think that Cicconetti's creative punishments are ineffective, because one of the offenders had to 'ran' RUN 'the' A race and he became a 'regural' (ortog) runner and he (napisalabym to inaczej...managed to steal a woman's) stole woman's bag and 'ran' (wtedy 'run') away with it.
25 rubles?
Dziękuję terri !
Hej, miałem za zadanie napisac charakterystyke Romea na angielski. Napisalem, ale czy mógłby mi ktos sprawdzić czy w miare sensownie? (250-300słów)

Romeo, whose name is synonymous with love, is the son and heir of Montague and Lady Montague rich family of Verona . Quick to love, this young character of fourteen to sixteen years old is handsome, sensitive, enthusiastic, and smart. At times Romeo is somewhat impulsive and immature.

Most of the time Romeo is decisive according to his heart. This gets him into serious trouble in the story. At the beginning of the play, Romeo is madly in love with Rosaline. The passionate love Romeo has for Rosaline. To cheer him up, his cousin and friend Benvolio and Mercutio take him to the Capulets' celebration in disguise, where he meets and falls in love with the Capulets' only daughter, Juliet.Romeo is not interested in the on-going feud between his family and the Capulets – he is not a violent man. From the moment he and Juliet first meet, Romeo's loyalty to women changes positively. He and Juliet meet secretly and pledge to marry.

They marry the following day, but their union is soon thrown into chaos by their families; Juliet's cousin Tybalt duels and kills Romeo's friend Mercutio, throwing Romeo into such a rage that he kills Tybalt, and the Prince of Verona subsequently banishes him. Meanwhile, Juliet's father plans to marry her off to Paris. Desperate, Juliet begs Romeo's confidant, Friar Laurence, to help her to escape the forced marriage. When she went into a coma. But Romeo believes that Juliet to be dead. Romeo's final words were "Thus with a kiss I die".He kills himself at Juliet's grave, moments before she awakes; she kills herself in turn shortly thereafter.
Romeo, whose name is synonymous with love, 'is' (was) the son and heir of Montague and Lady Montague (a gdzie jest przedimek?) rich family of Verona .
At times Romeo 'is' (WAS) somewhat impulsive and immature.
Most of the time Romeo 'is decisive' (nie, tu masz na mysli, ze on robi decyzje bazowane na jego sercu) according to his heart.
'The passionate love Romeo has for Rosaline'(to zdanie jest bardzo dziwne, trzeba w stronie biernej). To cheer him up, his cousin (daj imie cousin) and friend (imie) Benvolio and Mercutio take him to the Capulets' celebration in disguise, where he meets and falls in love with the Capulets' only daughter, Juliet.

When she 'went' (goes) into a coma...a gdzie jest kkoniec zdania, czy miales na mysli...THEN). But Romeo believes 'that' (niepotr) Juliet to be dead. Romeo's final words 'were' (are) "Thus with a kiss I die".

To mi przypomina historie ze starozytniej Grecji...nic nowego w tym 'love' then...
Dziękuję za odpowiedź ;) a ta wersja? Romeo is one of the title characters in William Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo, the son of Montague and his wife Lady Montague. Romeo is one of the most important characters, and has a consistent presence throughout it.
At the beginning of the play, Romeo miss for an unrequited love, Rosaline. To console him, his cousin and friend Benvolio and Mercutio take him to the Capulets celebration in disguise, where he meets and falls in love with the Capulets only daughter, Juliet. Later that night, he and Juliet meet secretly and pledge to marry, despite their families' long-standing feud. They marry the following day, but their union is soon thrown into chaos by their families; Juliet's cousin Tybalt duels and kills Romeo's friend Mercutio, throwing Romeo into such a rage that he kills Tybalt, and the Prince of Verona subsequently banished him. Meanwhile, Juliet's father plans to marry her off to Paris, a local aristocrat, within the next few days, threatening to turn her out on the streets if she doesn't follow through. Desperate, Juliet begs Romeo's confidant, Friar Laurence, to help her to escape the forced marriage. Laurence does so by giving her a potion that puts her in a deathlike coma. The plan works, but Romeo did not know about the agreement between Laurence and Juliet . He genuinely believes Juliet to be dead, and so resolves to commit suicide. Romeo's final words were "Thus with a kiss I die".He kills himself at Juliet's grave, moments before she awakes; she kills herself in turn shortly thereafter.
Romeo, the son of (tutaj brakuje jego tytulu) Montague and his wife Lady Montague.
At the beginning of the play, Romeo missES 'for an' (niepotr, tutaj HIS unrequited love, Rosaline. To console him, his cousin and friend Benvolio and Mercutio take him to the 'Capulets celebration' (moze inaczej...elebration at the Capulets) in disguise, where he meets and falls in love with the Capulets' only daughter, Juliet.
Meanwhile, Juliet's father plans to marry her off to Paris,(ten Paris has a lot to answer to) a local aristocrat, within the next few days, threatening to turn her out on the streets if she doesn't follow THIS through.
The plan works, but Romeo 'did' DOES not know about the agreement between Laurence and Juliet .
Desperate, Juliet begs Romeo's confidant, Friar Laurence, to help her to escape the forced marriage.
Cytat: pelllagia
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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.