Modal verbs+ bare infinitive ing

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie podanych zdań moje propozycje są napisane dużą liter.Czy ktoś kojarzy książki z ktorych sa te zdania? Wiem ze niektore są z Mańczaka a niektóre z Folley'a jednak np. nie wiem te MODAL VERBS

Choose one of a given modal verbs and an appropiate form of the verb in brackets.

Can,could,be able to
Despite heavy traffic last week he was_______________(arrive) on time. ABLE TO ARRIVE

Needn't,don't have to
Regulations say that you _________________(work) on Sunday. DON'T HAVE TO

Could,be allowed to
My brothers were stopped by the policeman because they drove too fast.However they ________________________ (go) without..... WERE ALLOWED TO

Had better (negative form)
She________________________(quiet) as it..... (TEGO NIE MAM POJECIA.)

Can,could,be able to

Must,have to


will,would[/b] ---> jakie moga byc przyklady zdan do tych punktów?

We chatted about the football match for a while and then he went on____________(tell) about his divorce. TO TELL

I dread____________(be)... BEING

Ms Lee was explaining some grammar to us but she had to stop__________(tell) a couple of girls to be quiet. TELLING

My parents made me_______________(eat) tomatoes although I............. EATING

There must be something wrong with the remote control because every time I try_______________(change) channels,nothing happen. TO CHANGE

Mr Kowalski yearned______________

Can you defer_____________________________

A suspicious man was seen_____________________(enter) the building shortly.... ENTERING

I'm sorry but I can't incur________________________?

I once heard Karajan ____________________(conduct) the entire Ring CONDUCTING

Nothing will stop their enquiries,they mean________________________ to the bottom of this strange business. ?

Transglobe Airlanes regrets__________________ ?
had better not be

ms lee - zle, przerwala jedna czynnosc, zeby wykonac nastepna
make sbd do sth

juz kiedys dalas to cwiczenie, poszukaj na witrynie