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What is motivation?
Motivation is a fashionable and frequently used word . Not surprisingly, when applicable , in principle,
all areas of human activity , in which so much depends on it . I do not
motivation ... or do not want me to go about it , I do not want , do not know what it all and albotego not do or I'll make up for that with great effort . I am motivated , so I know you want to do this, I am full of energy and enthusiasm , work forward. Yes , most of us defines motivation every day.
It is difficult for an unambiguous definition of motivation. There are a whole bunch of different theoretical approaches and the definition of the term. Generally speaking , the motivation is to identify all the processes involved in initiating, focusing and maintaining physical and mental human activity . Motivation comes in many forms , but they all include the mental processes that stimulate , allow you to select and target behavior.

There is no single theory explaining all kinds of motivation, motivation because each has a specific mix of influences biological , mental, behavioral and socio -cultural . The process of incentive to rouse the inner state of readiness for action, stimulating energy , channeling effort on goal, selective attention and continue operations until the conditions are not changed.

There are several types of motivation :

Intrinsic motivation - the unit involved in the operation for the same action in the absence of external rewards . This kind of motivation is rooted in the intrinsic properties of human , such as personality traits , specific interests and desires . The concept of intrinsic motivation is often understood as self-motivation , which is to motivate yourself.

External Motivation - a man undertakes to perform a task in order to achieve a reward or to avoid punishment , or to " external benefits " , such as in the form of money , praise, promotion at work , better ratings in school. Samodyscyplinowanie is not dictated by the liquidation of internal tension .

Motivation aware - the man seems aware of it and is able to control it .

Unconscious motivation - does not appear in consciousness. Man does not know what really underlies his behavior. The importance of unconscious motivation emphasizes the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud.

Motivation positive (positive) - is based on positive reinforcement ( rewards ) and is associated with the behavior of " striving for ."

Motivation negative (negative) - is based on negative reinforcement ( diamonds ), and is associated with the avoidance , and thus maintaining a " pursuit of '.
Not surprisingly, when (tu brakuje 2 slowa) applicable , in principle, (cos brakuje) all areas of human activity , in which so much depends on it .

I do not motivation ... (tego nie rozumiem) or do not want me to go about it , I do not want , do not know what it all and 'albotego' (to jest po polsku) not do or I'll make up for that with great effort . (to zdanie jest bardzo dziwne - popatrz jeszcze raz na to)
I am motivated , so I know you want to do 'this' (ale co? nie wiem o co chodzi), I am full of energy and enthusiasm , 'work forward' (tego nie rozumiem) . Yes , most of us 'defines' ('us' to jhest ios. l. mnogiej, dlaczego uzywasz czasownik 3os.l.poj?) 'motivation' (zla czxesc mowy) every day.
It is difficult for (tu cos brak) an unambiguous definition of motivation. There are a whole bunch of different theoretical approaches 'and the definition' (cos tu nie tak) of the term. Generally speaking , 'the motivation' (tego tutaj nie rozumiem, jeszcze nie rozpoznajesz co to jest rzeczownik, a co czasownik) is to identify all the processes involved in initiating, focusing and maintaining physical and mental human activity .
Motivation comes in many forms , but they all include the mental processes that stimulate ', ' (dlaczego tu jest przecinek, a nie slowo 'and'?) allow you to select and target behavior.

There is no single theory explaining all kinds of motivation, 'motivation' (dlaczego to slowo jest tutaj 2 razy?) because each has a specific mix of influences biological , mental, behavioral and socio -cultural . The process of incentive to rouse the inner state of readiness for action, stimulating energy , channeling effort on goal, selective attention and continue operations until the conditions are not changed. (to zdanie jest zebrane z innego zrodla - dlaczego kopiujesz cos co ktos inny napisal?)

There are several types of motivation :
Intrinsic motivation - 'the unit' (to tutsaj nie pasuje) involved in the operation for the same action in the absence of external rewards . This kind of motivation is rooted in the intrinsic properties of 'human' (cos tu nie tak) , such as personality traits , specific interests and desires .

External Motivation - a man undertakes to perform a task in order to achieve a reward or to avoid punishment , or 'to' (zle slowo) " external benefits " , such as 'in the form of' (nbiepotr) money , praise, promotion at work , better ratings in school. 'Samodyscyplinowanie' (to jest polskie slowo) is not dictated by the 'liquidation' (zle slowo) of internal tension .

Motivation aware - the man seems (brak 2 slowa) aware of it and is able to control it .

Motivation negative (negative) - is based on negative reinforcement ( diamonds ) (nie rozumiem tutaj slowa 'diamonds' i co to ma wspolnego z motivation - diamonds zawsze motywuja kogos do czegos), and is associated with the avoidance , and thus maintaining a " pursuit of '.


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