Proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu do filmiku.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wszystko jest w kolejności takiej jak będę mówiła podczas nagrywania filmiku o pokoju. Proszę o poprawienie błędów.

I would like to show you my room.
*My room look like this...
*Here is my mirror. I like it very much because is large and the colour frame fits all of my furniture.
*On the table is the keyboard. I always wanted to know how to play on an instrument but i don't have a time.
*Beside is a globe. It is a lamp but I don't use it.
*Here is my desk. Everyday I learn here, I do my homework, and it's place my entertainment, because here is my computer.
*On the shalf is the lamp, goat(pluszak). The only flower in my room- bamboo. I got it from my grandfather. I don't have to water it, because it have water inside a vase.
*Here I have pens, pencils.
*On the wall hangs pin board . Here I have photos dogs, and cats. It are pets that I love. Lessons plan, and calendar . I always write here what I must do.
*Here I have a headphones, reading and developmnt.
*In the drawer are photos, films and games- the sims 3.
*In the cabinet are books and notebooks to the school.
*Here is my lovely bed where I relax. On the windosill is a rug my cat. He always looks on the outside or sleeps.
*My television. I everyday watch my favourite series. Beside is the watch.
*And here are a butterflys
*On the furniture I have various suvenirs from holidays and trips.
*Here I have figurines. Dog that I got for my grandfather.
*And again are figurines : piggy banks, twety with a pennis, owl- it is suvenir from the mountains, when I went down I fell. I whought that this owl would be broke. Fortunately it was in entirely.
*The dog that I got as a gift for my friend on birthday.
*Gloobe and a little dog and snail
*Here I have a different pens, highlighters and school supplies
*And again figurines. This is a chicken that cackled but now don't cackle.
*Here are toys my cat, mouse. And here are my bracelets with embroidery floss which I do the same.
*This is a bad my cat
*And scratching post my cat.
* And there is a parrot that sit on the furniture. I got it for my uncle from sweden.

In my room dominates the green color. My room isn't huge but he has sufficient size for me.
It's verything. Thank you for your attention.
Wiele zdań jest po polsku angielskimi słowami;)
Beside is the watch. /zegarek/
*This is a bad my cat
*And scratching post my cat. /kota'S i szyk/
++Inne błędy;)
Jejku, aż tak źle? :(
Gorzej niż źle;)
Byłabym wdzięczna gdyby ktoś poprawił mi te błędy tak samo jak robi to nauczyciel.
Zdania może i ułożone prosto, ale inaczej nie umiem.
Spróbuj poprawic te zdania z kocim drapakiem i łóżkiem. Podsunąłem ci jak;)
*My room look like this... L.poj 3 os.
It are pets that I love. nie może tak być bo IT to l.poj. Jak zmienić zeby była;)
*The dog that I got as a gift for my friend on birthday. Pies którego podarowałaś komuś, też jest w twoim pokoju?
no wlasnie
for my friend = dla kolezanki
*In the cabinet are books and notebooks to the school. zmień żeby SCHOOL było przymiotnikiem w innym miejscu tego zdania;)
inaczej mowiac, napisz'szkolne ksiazki', a nie 'do szkoly'
I everyday watch my favourite series. NIE! Sprawdź jak się pisze te słowo;)
edytowany przez fui_eu: 27 kwi 2014
Dog that I got for my grandfather. mylisz OD i DLA;)
I whought that this owl would be broke. Fortunately it was in entirely. Zaglądnij do dobrego słownika + popraw inną literowkę
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


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