Sprawdzenie maila

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić tego maila? :)
Hi Anna!
Hope you're OK. Sorry I haven't been in touch with you recently. I have so much to tell you!
My parents have opened a small cafe recently and I started working there during the weekends.
The cafe is situated in the suburbs of our city. I think it's a lovely place. The interior of cafe is decorated in old-fashioned style. There are a few tables, sofas, buffet and shelves with books.
Unfortunately we had some troubles at the first day. We didnt't expect to so many people and we have ran out of some products.
The thing I like the most in this work is meeting new people, but there are a few defects too. For example sometimes you have to deal with impatient customers and do many things at the same time.
Do you have any propositions for snacks that we should have in our menu?
I look forward to hearing from you.
PRZED = wstaw przedimek
Cytat: Kejszi
Hi Anna!
Hope you're OK. Sorry I haven't been in touch with you recently. I have so much to tell you!
My parents have opened a small cafe recently and I started working there during the weekends.
The cafe is situated in the suburbs of our city. I think it's a lovely place. The interior of PRZED cafe is decorated in PRZED old-fashioned style. There are a few tables, sofas, buffet and shelves with books.
Unfortunately we had some troubles<-L. POJ. at<-NIE TO SLOWO the first day. We didnt't expect to BRAK SLOWA LUB SLOWO DO USUNIECIA so many people and we have ran NIE TEN CZAS out of some products.
The thing I like the most in<-LEPIEJ INNE SLOWO this work is meeting new people, but there are a few defects
Poprawiłam. Czy teraz jest już dobrze:
Hi Anna!
Hope you're OK. Sorry I haven't been in touch with you recently. I have so much to tell you! 
My parents have opened a small cafe recently and I started working there during the weekends. 
The cafe is situated in the suburbs of our city. I think it's a lovely place. The interior of the cafe is decorated in a old-fashioned style. There are a few tables, sofas, buffet and shelves with books.
Unfortunately we had some trouble on the first day. We didnt't expect so many people and we were running out of (czy po prostu zastosować past simple?) some products. 
The thing I really like in this job is meeting new people, but there are a few defects
a old fashioned - zly przed
past simple
Ok. Dzięki wielkie