Egzamin gimnazjalny-list.Proszę o sprawdzenie:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Byłabym wdzięczna za sprawdzenie listu i pokazanie błędów:)

Dear Amy,
Thanks for your last letter. I'm sorry I didn't reply a bit sooner,but I've had a hectic time preparing to my exams.
I'm writing to tell you about my holiday plans.Last year I wasted summer at home,watching TV and playing computer games. This time it must be different! I've decided to take up a seasonal work. I know that I can't expect high salary,but I would like to get some experience. I think I could be a waitress.I like working in a team and it might be a great opportunity to meet new people.
What about you? Do you have any plans for this summer? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
All the best,
PS: Say hello to your family!
po prepare inny przyimek
summer - chodzi o konkretne lato
a holiday job
salary jest policzalne

reszta wyglada ok
ach, thanks małą literą, bo to przecież jest po przecinku
za rok FCE, a w maturalnej advanced, ok?


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