Kolejny mail do lekarza PILNE

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jeszcze raz dziękuję za pomoc przy pierwszej wiadomości. Oto kolejna, bardzo proszę o pomoc.

Mrs. YYY,
The attachment includes photos of our son, not all are clear, he is
very curious and grabs camera every single time. I hope these pictures are good enough, if not I'll try to get more in better quality.

Son's name is XXX, born on 26.09.2014, appointed date of birth
14/09/2014 (this is how I understood the 'due date', if it was supposed to be something
else, please let me know).

It would be amazing if you could let us know earlier if XXX qualifies for a helmet. The whole trip is a very serious and expensive project for my family. The perfect solution for us would be if we could talk about the date of appointment in your clinic after the doctors decide if the helmet is necessary.

Yours sincerely,
edytowany przez gness: 11 maj 2015
26 Sep 2014
due date 14 Sep 2014 - tak, to jest due date, nie trzeba sie rozpisywac
I'd like to discuss the date of our meeting after your (?) doctors look at the photos and make a diagnosis.
Wielkie dzięki! Gimnastykowałam się z tym ostatnim zdaniem i za nic nie mogłam go naprostować. A to coś tak prostego. Jeszcze raz dzięki.




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