Rozprawka na temat nauki małych dzieci j.obcych

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Many parents leads a discussion about the very early teching children foreign languages. There is no simple solution to the issuse because every paretns want the best for children.
I think that children should feelings foreign languages children easily assimilate new skills. Small children imitat anythink and everythink making it easier to remember.
Other one hand it is a good idea to teach children languageschildhood because some young people are not good at learning. On the other hand we do not take them for excess learning.
However there are disadvantages, too. Childrens should learn to perfect their native language and then other languages. Supporters of the issues believe that the child will confuse languages. They believe that the brilliant idea sentence will use words in different languages.
Personally, I belive that children should from an early age learning different languages. Ofcourse science should be conducted ina fun and moderation.

Proszę o poprawę błędów :)
Many parents 'leads' (nie, bo parents tutaj to l. mnoga, ma byc 'lead') a discussion about the very early 'teching' (ortog) 'children foreign languages' (cos nie tak, lepiej...foreign languages to children) . There is no simple solution to the 'issuse' (ortog) because every 'paretns' (tutaj daj 'parent') wantS the best for (ale czyje? musisz napisac) children.
I think that children should 'feelings foreign languages children easily assimilate new skills' (tego nie rozumiem). Small children 'imitat' (ortog) 'anythink' (ortog) and 'everythink' (ortog) making it easier to remember.
'Other one hand' (tego nie rozumiem) it is a good idea to teach children languages (tu brakuje slowa) childhood because some young people are not good at learning. On the other hand we do not take them for 'excess learning' (tego nie rozumiem).
However there are disadvantages, too (ale do czego? nie jest jasno napisane). 'Childrens' (nie, tutaj 'children') should learn to perfect their native language and then other languages. Supporters of the 'issues' (jakie issues? nie wiem o co chodzi) believe that the child will confuse (brak przedimka) languages. They believe that 'the' (zly przedimek) brilliant idea (tu brak 2 slowa) 'sentence will use words' (cos tu nie tak) in different languages.
Personally, I 'belive' (ortog) that children should from an early age 'learning' (zla czesc mowy) different languages. Of course 'science' (nie rozumiem o co chodzi) should be conducted in 'a' (niepotr) fun and moderation.


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