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Mówiąc w skrócie - mam opisać swoje wakacje, które spędziłem z krewnymi w Anglii.
Z góry dziękuję :)

Hi my parents!
I've arrive from holidays in England. I've been living there for one month with relatives. I like their. They are awesome. I've been living in a normal English house. They are... identical. We ate a cornflakes and fish with chips. We sometimes gone to fastfood. It is very English food. Usually we were visiting special places in my city. The first day we went for a walk around the town. People who lived there were very nice. At the bus my aunt gave me a gift. It's a big statuettes of Big Ben and London Eye. It is great gift! On a final note, I just want to say that very much I liked it.
See you!
I've arrive ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA from holidays in England. I've been living ZLY CZAS, SKORO JUZ WROCILES there for one month with relatives. I like their PRZYPOMNIJ SOBIE, CO ZNACZY THEIR. They are awesome. I've been living ZLY CZAS in a normal English house. They are... identical JAKIE 'THEY'?. We ate a PRZED LICZBA MNOGA? cornflakes and fish with chips. We sometimes gone ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA W SIMPLE PAST to fastfood TO JEST TYLKO NAZWA JEDZENIA. It is very English food. Usually we were visiting SIMPLE PAST special places in my city. BRAK SLOWA The first day we went for a walk around the town. PRZEDIMEK People who lived there were very nice. At ZLE SLOWO the bus my aunt gave me a gift. It's a PRZED LICZBA MNOGA? big statuettes of Big Ben and London Eye. It is PRZEDIMEK great gift! On a final note, I just want to say that very much PRZENIES 'BARDZO 'W ODPOWIEDNIE MIEJSCE I liked it.
See you!

wrociles z Anglii i nie mieszkasz z rodzicami?
Mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić to zad bo jestem pewna że zrobiłam wiele błędów

My dream place where I want to live is London . London is the capital of England. Is a huge, beautiful and interesting place. London lives a lot of people anf I love to crowded places , where nobody knows me. In London you can see the many attractions and places of interest such as; Bog Ben the bell St. Stephan Tower that is the clock tower, Palace Buckingam -is place where the Queen lives, London Eye- the world's largest whee sightseeing, Kensington Gardens- royal gardens, Trafalgar Square-the central city square and one of the most beautiful bridges - Tower Bridge. London it is also a major cultural center, where you can find many interesting place such; Opera, Museums anf art gallery and for me it is very important place because I'm interested im yhe arts. London there are also many parks, after which I could walk hours and many shops. In London is wonderful weather as for me , because I like when it raining and it's cold. The important thing is that living there perfect and learn language.
A czy nie moglaś otworzyć nowego wątku tak jak Sandzej to zrobił?
(ale co? tutaj musisz napisac) Is a huge, beautiful and interesting place. 'London lives a lot of people' (po jakiemu to jest...napisz W londynie zyje....) and I love 'to' (co to slowo tutaj robi?) crowded places , where nobody knows me. In London you can see 'the' (niepotr) many attractions and places of interest such as; 'Bog' (popraw) Ben, the bell (brak slowa) St. 'Stephan' (popraw) Tower that is the clock tower, 'Palace Buckingam ' (k. kto to pisze, po jakiemu to jest - bo daleko to do angielskiego)-is (brak przedimka) place where the Queen lives, London Eye- the world's largest 'whee' (popraw) 'sightseeing' (nie rozumiem co to slowo tutaj robi), Kensington Gardens- royal gardens, Trafalgar Square-the central city square and one of the most beautiful bridges - Tower Bridge. (to zdanie jest za dlugie) London it is also a major cultural center, where you can find many interesting place such (brak slowa) ; Opera, Museums 'anf' (popraw) art gallery and for me it is (przedimek) very important place because I'm interested 'im' (popraw) 'yhe' (popraw) arts. (brak slowa) London there are also many parks, 'after which' (tego nie rozumiem) I could walk hours and many shops. In London 'is wonderful weather as for me' (tego nie rozumiem) , because I like (tu brak slowa) when it (brak slowa) raining and it's cold. The important thing is that living there (brak slowa) perfect and (ale kto? co? pies? kot? ) (brak modala) learn (cos brak) language.

Jak to robilas z translatorem w rece, to teraz wszyscy wiemy, ze nie potrafisz utworzyc zdania w jez. ang. Troche wiecej solidnej nauki.


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