Opis obrazka sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
In the picture I see two men. They are changing the wheel in a car. I think they are all mechanics and car repair shop. One of the men looks happy. It seems to me that he likes his job. They can also be happy for this reason that the connecting work.

proszę o korektę mojego opisu gdzie są błędy.
oni sa wszyscy mechanikami i warsztatem naprawy samochodow
koncowka niezrozumiala
I think they are mechanics and they work in car repair shop.

teraz dobrze?
ok, ale brak przedimka
a car tak?

a jak ci w ogóle poszła pisemna matura? zdasz?
nie było najgorzej zobaczymy w czerwcu
a czy te odpowiedzi na pytania są poprawnie?

1.I think that this work is more suitable for men, because it requires a lot of effort. After that, few women are interested in cars and mechanics.

2.My dream profession is a meteorologist. I think the frustration behind the dream, because I am interested in atmospheric phenomena, the atmosphere and everything associated with it, and the weather.
aftger that = po tym
poza tym = besides
nie rozumiem czesci zdania z frustration
My dream profession is a meteorologist because I'm interested in atmospheric phenomena, the atmosphere and everything associated with it, and the weather.

teraz lepiej?
wheel ON a car
My dream profession is TO BE a meteorologist because I'm interested in atmospheric phenomena, the atmosphere and everything associated with it, and 'the weather.' (uzywasz slowa na bardzo wysokim poziomie, a na samiutkim koncu piszesz 'the weather'?)
lepiej " climate changes' albo ' environmental issues ".
My dream job is a...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.