Sprawdzenie pracy domowej

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam! Chciałbym żebyście mi pomogli w poprawieniu błędów w poniższym tekście.

zadanie 1
In my opinion the most important inventions of the 20th century are a phone and Internet. The phone giving our posibility to fast communication with other people and also when you have the phone always with you, you can feel safe because when you are far away from a house you can easily call for help.
To sum up, the phone is very important for many reasons, also very important invention as I mentioned at the beginning is Internet. One of the advantages is that Internet is a source of informations, where we can quickly find needful materials. Next reason why Internet in my opinion is one of the most important invention of the 20th is that we can do things without leaving our home. For example make bank money transfers and order things online.

zadanie 2
O think that electricity is an invention which made our lives easier because without electricity we can not use a TV or a fridge. Electricity is very important, wihout electricity live would be very difficult. Also many discoveries made our lives easier, for instance wheel, because all types of vehicles use it and without wheels we can not traveling comfortable.

Poproszę o wyłapanie błędow. Pozdrawiam i życzę spokojnego wieczoru!
zadanie 1
In my opinion the most important inventions of the 20th century are 'a' (zly przedimek) phone and (cos brak) Internet. The 'phone' (telephone) 'giving' (zle slowo) 'our' (zle slowo) (brak przedimka) posibility to 'fast' (zla czesc mowy) 'communication' (tutaj czasownik) with other people and also when 'you' (dlaczego najpierw mowisz o 'nas' a pozniej tylko 'you') have the phone always with you, you can feel safe because when you are far away from 'a house' (a ktorego dokladnie?) you can easily call for help.
To sum up, the phone is very important for many reasons. Also ( przedimek) very important invention as I mentioned at the beginning is (przedimek) Internet. One of the advantages is that (dlaczego nie uzywasz przedimkow tam gdzie one powinny byc) Internet is a source of 'informations'(to slowo nie istnieje w jez. angh), where we can quickly find 'needful' (dziwne slowo) materials. (przedimek) next reason why (przedimek) Internet in my opinion is one of the most important 'invention' (tutaj l. mn) of the 20th (ale czego, trzeba dodac 'century) is that we can do things without leaving our home.

zadanie 2
I think that electricity is an invention which made our lives easier because without electricity we 'can' (zly modal) not use a 'TV' (television) or a 'fridge'(ja wole 'refrigerator'). Electricity is very important, 'wihout' (ortog) electricity 'live' (tutaj daj rzeczownik) would be very difficult. Also many discoveries made our lives easier, for instance (przedimek) wheel, because all types of vehicles use it and without wheels we 'can' (zly modal) not 'traveling' (zle slowo) 'comfortable' (popatrz na to i zmien jedna litere).
Mam za zadanie napisać list do koleżanki o zatruciu się daniem w restauracji, bardzo proszę o poprawienie
zapewne wielu błędów ( gdyż angielskiego uczę się dopiero od roku i pomagam sobie używając translatora w necie) Bardzo dziękuję komuś za pomoc :-)

Hi Anna

Thanks for your letter. I am sorry I haven’t written for a long time,
because I lost your address. I am writing to you form Australia.
I’m spend on holidays in Sydney. I went to the restaurant for dinner yesterday.
The restaurant was small but very elegant.
There was a vase on each table. The chairs were wooden and very comfortable.
The restaurant is orginal because it mainly serves fish dishes.
I ordered a fish and chips. I felt bad after dinner. This fish had a strange smell.
The manager called the doctor. I had went to the hospital.
The next day the visited me and passed it on.
I got a coupon for free dinners for six days.
I my opinion manager behaved professionally.
I come back home in a week. See you after my return.

See you
Hi Anna (tutaj dajemy przecinek)
I am sorry I haven’t written for a long time, (tutaj mozna dodac...this was) because I lost your address. I am writing to you 'form' (popraw) Australia. I’m 'spend' ( a reszta slowa) 'on' (to jest polska kalka, anawet tutaj niepotr slowo) (tutaj napisz 'czyje') holidays in Sydney. I went to 'the' (nie, zly przedimek) restaurant for dinner yesterday.
The restaurant 'is' (a wczesniej piszesz 'was') 'orginal' (ortog ale i tak zle slowo) because it mainly serves fish dishes.
I ordered 'a' (niepotr) fish and chips. I felt bad after (brak przedimka) dinner.
I had 'went' (zle slowo, tutaj 'to go-isc/pojsc) to the hospital.
The next day the (ale kto? musisz napisac) visited me and passed 'it' (ale co? nie wiem o czym mowa) on.
'I'(brak reszty slowa) my opinion (przaedimek) manager behaved professionally.
feel bad znajdź definicję
I come back home in a week. inny czas
See you powtarzasz się
Anno to jest TWOJE (piszącego) imię, tak?
edytowany przez Aaric: 12 kwi 2017
There was a vase on each table. empty? ;-)
Aaric: There was a vase of flowers on each table.
terri: bardzo dziękuję za pomoc i wskazówki
widzę teraz jak wiele jeszcze popełniam błędów
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.