Sprawdzenie streszczenie - praca

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What to Do If Your Job Is Stressing You Out
Causes of Job Stress
If you can figure out the cause of your job stress, then you can try to find a cure for it. Here are some possible causes of your stress:
• Overwork - when you have a big project and don’t have enough time to complete them, it can cause a big stress. In addition you don’t have enough time for sleeping and other activities so you feel very tired.
• Impending Layoffs - when your risk to lose your Job is high you always feel stressful and want to do every thing perfect.
• Being in the Wrong Career - when your job is not satisfied and you don-t work on your dreamed-of place
• Working in a Job That is Wrong for You- it is when your boss order you to complete always the easiest and the most boring tasks, you learn nothing in your job and always be in the same level.
• Conflict With Your Boss or Co-workers: Good relationship is very important, when your boss and co-workers only wait for your fail to lay you off you can feel so stressful

Don’t be sad you can try many ways to avoid stress situation. This is some of them:
• Take a Break: It’s good to take a break sometimes. It also help you to work more effectively after a break.
• Prepare for a Layoff: It’s good to have a plan, when you know that you can lay-off. You don’t feel so stress when you have plan b.
• Quit Your Job: Many people are afraid to quit their jobs, but if you feel badly and have the problems with co-workers and a boss this might be a good solution.
• Change Your Career: You can try to find another job which you like much more.
• Improve Your Workplace Relationships: If you are having conflicts with your boss or co-workers, try to work them out. Although it may be difficult to resolve personality differences, you can try to figure out a way to get along better.
• Get Professional Help: If any other solutions have no effects on you you should try this method.
nie patrze na oryginal

complete them? co tam wczesniej jest w liczbie mnogiej?
stress jest niepoliczalny
ryzyko utraty - nie bezokolicznik
stressful = stresujący
every thing - każdą rzecz
perfect - perfekcyjny
satisfied - zadowolony
nie rozumiem 'work on your place'
boss to trzecia osoba liczby pojedynczej
always w innym miejscu
always be = zawsze być
relationship jest policzalne
fail to czasownik, utworz rzeczownik
po sad kropka
stress situation - tu uzyj przymiotnika, ktorego uzywasz bledenie w co najmniej dwoch miejscach
Here are some of them:
help - zla forma
lay off jako czasownik bez lacznika, ale kogo ty chcesz zwalniac?
the problems - jakie problemy?
a boss - jeden z wielu szefow?


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