Sprawdzi ktoś pod kątem czy jest dobrze przetłumaczone na ang

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
So now We are talking about practical side of autonomous driving.Tesla, company from USA introduced auton driv.
for masses When you upgrade your usual car, you don't get a big changes.Tesla in their cars can change all
car character just by upgrading only a software.
Example, after upgrading software, you can drive more, because of saving fuel.

So in Tesla cars, maybe the most important thing is software, so in modren tesla cars you can find for now about
65 processor, what they do? They take data from maximally 12 cameras, so together with machine learning, this cars
can automactliy learn how to drive.

What will happen if autonomus car kill someone?. Imagine the situaction when predestian is going on the red light,
a car can save predestian or owner of this car
So who will face the responsobility? European Parlament is want to introduce the insurance
But on the other way can computer fall asleep at wheel or be drucnk
In 2018 all cars sold in Europe have to have a eCall system, This is a system which automatically contacts emergency
services and directs them to the vehicle location in important situation
This technology can change ouer life for better OR NOT


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