Personal ST pokazanie błedów.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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I was raised up in rural area, after school I used to sit in my garden, just watching bees flying around, doing things I could not understand. After few years I used to go to my uncle who had some bee houses and there I saw them and understood why they flying everywhere.
I do not like humanist sciences so in high school I did choose class with biological sciences. While second semester my interest aroused learning about these small and complicate organisms, and how they functionate. Few weeks later I went to biochemical institute for exposition about antibiotics, bacteria and multiplication of plants in vitro, at this time I understood why we cannot overusing antibiotics, and how we can use self-healing mechanism of plants, to fast multiplication all plants. After my visit in institute I thought that work with microorganisms could be interesting and at the same time, I chose which course I want study in future.
Sometimes when I have some free time, I like to observe bacteria and plant cells under microscope. When I was fourteen, I did myself micro laboratory in the attic and I tried to breed plants in agar-gel but my attempts often were failed because bacteria and funguses destroyed my plants. On a few cultures using microscope, I observed interesting bacteria, then I thought about connecting bacterium immunity with plants.
When I finished high school, I had time for choose university where I going to develop my abilities and interests, firstly I have been looking for university in my country, but accidently I found offer studying abroad. Once time ago I thought about it, but I was young and I had other plans. Now when I have chance for studying abroad I feel that will be greatest time in my life, besides always I wanted get to know other country and their cultures. I chose London, mainly because, I know English language in satisfactory level and way, how conduct are university activities is interesting for me. I want get to know better London, not only from books and films, get to know new cultures and new people. Studies in United Kingdom is also a chance to improve my English and gain experience which certainly I am going to need in the future.
After graduation I want to looking for new alternative way for fight with diseases, which have source in genetics changes, also I want find some new method to produce medicaments by genetic modified organisms.
I want to looking
??? Napewno niee. "I feel that IT will be.... "trochę przedimków brakuje tez moim zdaniem ,trzeba je używać tam, gdzie powinny być
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 07 kwi 2018
I was raised up in rural area ....lub brought up, przedimek
I was 'raised up' (albo 'raised' albo 'brought up'. 'raised up' nie jest standard English) in (przedimek) rural area, after school I used to sit in my garden, just watching (dalabym przedimek) bees flying around(,) (ten przecinek jest dwuznaczny. Dla mnie, to ty robilas te 'things' ale ty chyba masz na mysli ze to te 'bees' cos robily, popraw) doing things I could not understand. 'After (przedimek) few years' (to jest zle, chyba masz na mysli. 'few years later' - ale to 'few' to nie jest 'precise' trzeba byc dokladnym) I used to go to my uncle who had some bee houses and there I saw them and understood why they flying everywhere.
I do not like humanist sciences so in high school I 'did choose' (to jest zle, tutaj simple) (przedimek) class with biological sciences. While (tu brak pare slow) second semester my interest (tu brakuje slowa 'moze 'was') aroused learning about these small and 'complicate' (a reszta slowa?) organisms, and how they 'functionate' (to slowo nie istnije w jez. ang - popraw). Few weeks later I went to (przedimek) biochemical institute 'for' (you go TO) (przedimek) exposition about antibiotics, bacteria and multiplication of plants in vitro, at this time I understood why we cannot 'overusing' (zle slowo) antibiotics, and how we can use self-healing mechanism of plants, 'to fast multiplication' (tego nie rozumiem, tutaj sie pogubilas) all plants. After my visit in (przedimek) institute I thought that work with microorganisms could be interesting and at the same time, I chose which course I want (brak slowa) study in (przedimek) future.
Sometimes when I have some free time, I like to observe bacteria and plant cells under (przedimek) microscope. When I was fourteen, I 'did myself' (to jest po nijakiemu, a wystarczy 'constructed' designed' cos takiego) (przedimek) micro laboratory in the attic and I tried to breed plants in agar-gel but my attempts often 'were' (nie rozumiem co to slowo tutaj robi) failed because bacteria and 'funguses' (nie, to slowo pochodzi z laciny, jak sludiowalas to chyba wiesz, jak jest l. mnoga, jak nie, to poszukaj) destroyed my plants. On a few cultures using (przedimek) microscope, I observed interesting bacteria, then I thought about connecting bacterium immunity with plants.
When I finished high school, I had time 'for' (to jest kalka z polsjkiego , miales czas TO) choose (przedimek) university where I going to develop my abilities and interests, firstly I 'have' (czas przeszly, to 'had') been looking for (przedimek) university in my country, but 'accidently' (blad ortog ale i tak uzyj inne slowo) I found (przedimek) offer studying abroad. 'Once time ago' (tego nie rozumiem, to jest kalka z polskiego, albo prosto z 1960 translator - co ty robisz?) I thought about it, but I was young and I had other plans. Now when I have (przedimek) chance for studying abroad I feel that (tu cos brtakuje, cos musi sie odniesc do study) will be (przedimek) greatest time in my life, besides 'always I' (dlaczego to jest arse over tit?) wanted (tu brak slowa) get to know 'other country' (nie, albo 'another country' albo 'other countries' nie mieszaj) and their cultures. I chose London, mainly because, I know (przedimek) English language 'in' (zle slowo) (przedimek) satisfactory level 'and way' (teogo nie rozumiem), how 'conduct' (calkowicie nie rozumiem o co chodzi) are university activities 'is' (ale 'activities to jest l. mnoga, dlaczego mieszasz?) interesting for me. I want (brak slowa) get to know 'better London' (nie, tu masz arse over tit), not only from books and films, get to know new cultures and new people. Studies in (dalabym przedimek) United Kingdom 'is' (ale 'studies' to l. mnoga, dlaczego czasownik jest w l. poj?) also a chance to improve my English and gain experience which certainly I am going to need in the future.
After graduation I want to 'looking' (nie, tutaj ''look') for (przedimek) new alternative way for 'fight with' (nie, tutaj pomieszalas, wystarczy 'fighting') diseases, which have source in genetics changes, also I want (brak slowa) find some new method to produce 'medicaments' (nie to slowo, poszukaj inne) by 'genetic' (mowimy 'genetically) modified organisms.
besides 'always I' (dlaczego to jest arse over tit?)
I can't get ' beside always "
>>> besides 'always I'...
bo powinno byc...besides, I always.
bo powinno byc...besides, I always.
.." and quite apart from anything else, I always..." też może być
'medicaments' (nie to slowo, poszukaj inne) Jak lubi 'medicaments', niech sobie napisze 'medicaments' ;))
Studies in United Kingdom is also a chance to improve my English np Studying in (UK) also gives me...
edytowany przez Aaric: 10 kwi 2018
Jak piszemy jezyk na jakimkolwiek poziomie, to slowa uzywane powinny byc dostosowane do tego poziomu. Dziwnie dla mnie wyglada, jak ktos ma problemy z przedimkami (a, an, the) albo z podstawowymi slowami a wtedy uzywa slow z wyzszej polki/na innym poziomie, ktore nie sa czesto uzywane.
humanistIC sciences jak już
a w ogóle to humanities :)
a w ogóle to humanities :)
Cracow's University of humanities, for instance ... regardless the exact venue , we can still take this down in several different ways too, and the meaning is kept almost the same
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 14 kwi 2018
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia