Czy może ktoś sprawdzić czy ten list jest napisany poprawnie?(to list formalny)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Mr. Ruciński,

I am writing in connection with a request to build a bicycle path at słoneczna street.

On behalf of myself and the youth from our city,I would to appeal to you for a decision on the construction of a bike path in our city.

Cycling is an increasingly common way of spending time.Unfonterenetely, Wednesday has not conditions. So we turn to you with this.I ask you to make the decision to build a bicycle route. They would increase the safety of cyclists and people would spend time outdoors.

I hope that you well-read this letter carefully and agree to build a bicycle path in our city.

Yours sincerely,
I am writing in connection with a request to build a bicycle path at słoneczna street.

On behalf of myself and the youth from our city,I would to appeal to you for a decision on the construction of a bike path in our city.

Cycling is an increasingly common way of spending time.Unfonterenetely, Wednesday has not conditions. So we turn to you with this.I ask you to make the decision to build a bicycle route. They would increase the safety of cyclists and people would spend time outdoors.

I hope that you well-read this letter carefully and agree to build a bicycle path in our city.

+ inne błędy
czy mieszkasz w mieście Środa ?
Some people are from Greater Poland Wednesday and some are from Desire
So we turn to you with this
What did you mean by that in particular? Frankly ,I just don't get it .
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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