
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I and my friend look for two person who want to go with us to the trip in York on 5 August. If you join us you don;t smoke and also you must be optimistic ! If you join us you should share fee for transport with us. If you're interested please call me 87
Advert! (możesz też użyć 'Notice'... chyba nawet by bylo lepiej)
Me and my friend are looking for 2 persons who would like to go with us for a trip to York on the 5th of August. If you'd like to join us, you should be non-smoking and optimistic individual. Fare will be divided equally amongst all of us. If you're interested please give me a call on ...
'Me and my friend' (lepiej MY friend and I - siebie na drugim miejscu) are looking for 2 'persons' (people) who would..
If you'd like to join us, you should be A non-smokER and AN optimistic individual. THE fare will be divided..
optimistic individual - lepiej optimist.


CAE - sesja letnia 2007