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Mam ogromna prosbe do osob dobrze znajacy angielski :) sprawdźcie czy to jest dobrze napisane.Nelly Furtado is a famous singer.She lives in Victoria.Nelly likes cinema,music and kitchen.She having brown hair and blue eyes.That's her is sister Mary and brother Michael.That's her favorite sports is football.In the future she wants to family.I likes very her,because she having nice songs.
She HAS brown hair and blue eyes. - potem zrobilas jeszcze jeden taki sam blad

That's her is sister Mary and brother Michael. = to jest jej jest siostra Mary i brat Michael. nastepne zdanie tez niezrozumiale.
i co ona chce w przyszlosci - "rodzinować"?


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


FCE - sesja letnia 2007