
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie 5 zdań i w przypadku błędów o poprawienie lub wskazanie ich. Kompletnie tego nie rozumiem. Z góry dziękuję za każdą pomoc.
1. I went to school in Mexico, where I learnt Spanish.
(If I had gone to school in Mexico, I could have learnt Spanish)
2.I didn't do any sport at school and I wasn't very fit when I graduated.
(If I had graduated, I wouldn't have done any sport at school and I wouldn't very fit)
3.There were fewer school subjects in the past so pupils didn't have to learnt so much. (If there be fewer school subjects in the past, pupils couldn't have to learn so much)
4.My teachers were fantastic so I loved going to school
(If my teachers be fantastic, Iloved go to school)
5.The teachers didn't give us a lot of tests so we weren't afraid to go to school.
(If the teachers hadn't given us a lot of tests, we wouldn't afraid to go to school)
1. I went to school in Mexico, where I learnt Spanish.
Poszlam do szkoly....i nauczylam sie...
>(If I had gone to school in Mexico, I could have learnt Spanish)=nie

Tu chodzi o to, ze gdybys NIE poszla do szkoly w Meksyku, nie nauczylabys sie hiszp. Z Twojego zdania wynika, ze gdybys bys sie nauczyla..., ale ze zdania, ktore masz przeksztalcic, wynika, ze tam poszlas, wiec:
If I hadn't gone....., I wouldn't have learnt.....

>2.I didn't do any sport at school and I wasn't very fit when I
>(If I had graduated, I wouldn't have done any sport at school and I
>wouldn't very fit)=nie

Nie uprawialem zadnego sportu.... wiec nie mialem dobrej kondycji.....czyli gdybym uprawial, to bym mial:
If I had done any sport...., I would have been very fit when...

>3.There were fewer school subjects in the past so pupils didn't have
>to learnt so much.
(If there be fewer school subjects in the past,
>pupils couldn't have to learn so much)=nie

Bylo mniej przedmiotow....wiec uczniowie nie musieli sie tyle uczyc..
Gdyby bylo wiecej przedmiotow.... to uczniowie by sie musieli wiecej uczyc

>4.My teachers were fantastic so I loved going to school
>(If my teachers be fantastic, Iloved go to school)=nie

Gdyby moi naucz.nie byli fantastyczni, to nie lubilabym chodzic do szkoly

sprobuj sama , 5 zd tez, ja sprawdze jakby co
dzieki za zainteresowanie, hmm spróbuję:
1. If I hadn't gone to school in Mexico, I wouldn't have learnt Spanish.
2. If I had done any sport at school, I would have been very fit when I graduated.
3.If there had been fewer school subjects in the past, pupils would have to learn so much( a więc fewer tzn mało, mniej? bo nie umiałam tego znaleźć?)
4. If my teachers hadn't been fantastic, I wouldn't loved go to school
5. If the teachers had given us a lot tests, we would afraid to go to school.
3.>3.If there had been fewer school subjects in the past, pupils would
>have to learn so much( a więc fewer tzn mało, mniej? bo nie umiałam
>tego znaleźć?)
Fewer to jest mniej (stopniowanie)
If there had been MORE school subjects in the past, pupils would
have HAD to learn MORE.
Gdyby bylo wiecej... to by sie musieli uczyc wiecej.

4.>4. If my teachers hadn't been fantastic, I wouldn't loved go to
.................., I wouldn't HAVE loved GOING to school.

>5. If the teachers had given us a lot tests, we would afraid to go to
....................a lot OF tests, we would HAVE BEEN afraid to......

Jakby co zajrzyj sobie wyzej, na tej stronie masz gramatyke, okresy warunkowe. 3rd conditional jest tam calkiem przyzwoicie wytlumaczony.
Bardzo Ci dziękuję, zależało mi na tym, a dopiero to zaczynam. Napewno zajrzę i posiedzę nad tym bo widzę, że muszę :)
2. If I had done 'any' SOME sport at school, I would have been very fit when I graduated
racja, nie zauwazylam...robilam to na szybkiego, bo w pracy...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.