ESSAY - the pros and cons of *proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jest to krótkie wypracowanie, na temat pracy lekarza. Prosze o sprawdzenie i wskazanie ewentualnych błędów. Z gory bardzo dziękuję za pomoc.

Some people see it an ordinary job while others think it is an exciting and interesting carrer. Whatever your views, there is no doubt that working as a doctor is a demanding job wiht many advantages and disadventages.
There are serval arguments in favour of working as a doctor. To begin with, it's a rwarding job because there is always a demand for people to treat the sick or injured. Furthermore, doctors are rarely out of work because they help sick or injured people to recover.
However, there are also a number of disadvantages to being a doctor. Firstlt, it's a tiring job, because they work shifts and often work at night. In addition, it can be depressing because they often see people suffering.
To conclude, I believe that, although being a doctor can be difficult at times, it's worth it. It's gets very job satisfaction, when they help a lots of injured people.
> Some people CONSIDER it an ordinary job while others think it is an
>exciting and interesting carrer.
disadventages. - ortogr

Furthermore, doctors are rarely
>out of work because they help sick or injured people to recover.

to zdanie jest troche nielogiczne: oczekiwalbym stwierdzenia 'poniewaz choroba nie jest czyms rzadkim' itp.

Firstlt, it's a tiring job, because they (napisalbym DOCTORS, bo 'they' nie odnosi sie do zadnego slowa z poprzedniego zdania) work shifts and often
>work at night.

>difficult at times, it's(9MOŻNA UŻYWAĆ SKRÓTÓW?) worth it.

It's gets very job satisfaction, - niegramatyczne
>when they help a lots of injured people. - a lots niegramatyczne
Bardzo dziękuje :)


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