Dear Sir or MadaM,
'I bought fortnight' (to co napisales to jest 'Ja kupilem dwa tygodnie' to niemasz na mysli - o czym mysisz to jest Dwa tyg temu ja kupilem - prosze napisac to zdanie w ten sposob) IN your shop A computer. It cost 3500Euro. I have HAD trouble with this product. Computer 'don't' DOES NOT work when I turn it on. Now, when I turn it on THERE is only A 'black' (mowimy BLANK) screen.
I askED (czas przeszly -ed) 'to' (niepotr) my friend 'in' (niepotr) TO repair IT. 'He is A worker' (ale gdzie?- czy mam zgadywac) . I'm afraid HE 'don't' DID NOT (czas przeszly) 'secceed' (ortog), although he consultED 'from' HIS workmate. I await 'of' (niepotrz) youR arrival 'to' AT my home and THE repair OF THE computer, 'and' (tutaj uzyj AS) all this is guaranteeD.