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Hi Stephanie!
I'm Asia. I'm sixteen. I'm from and I live in Warsaw. My family is little. I have got one sister. Her name's Natalia. She is eighteen ans she is adult. My mother say that she can all what she want. My father Piotr works in island - Iceland. It's near Groenlandia. My mother Maria is a lawyer. Altought my family is little(niewielka) I love her.

You can say to me - Joanna(Możesz mówic na mnie Joanna) because most people say to me.(bo większość ludzi tak na mnie mówi). I like my name. I'm studying in (LICEUM?). I love spanish and I want travel and live in Spain in te future! Why not?Except learn spanish i like listening to music on the radio and singing different songs. When I was child I liked sing of the academy (na akademiach) and in the church. In my time (w wolnym czasie) I'm going to the cinema with my friends. I think that people like me bacauseI'm very sociable, talklative and friendly. Unfortunately sometimes I'm bossy. I don't want competitive my friends because I love them. ( nie chcę rządzić przyjaciółmi, bo ich kocham). Do you believe me? I hope.

Best wishes, Joanna

PS: When we are going to meet? (Kiedy się spotykamy?)
I'm from (tutaj daj miasto) and I live in Warsaw. My family is 'little' VERY SMALL.
She is eighteen anD she is AN adult. My mother sayS (3os l. poj) that she can all what she wantS (she to 3os.l.poj). My father Piotr works 'in Island' ON AN ISLAND- Iceland. It's near 'Groenlandia' (po ang?).
Altought my family is SMALL I love 'her' (her - ale znaczy kogo?).

You can 'say to' (tutaj trzeba CALL ME) - Joanna because THAT IS HOW most people 'say to' CALL me. I like my name. I'm studying in (LICEUM?). I love Spanish and I want travel and live in Spain in tHe future! Why not? Except learnING spanish 'i' (PROSZE wielka litera) like listening to music on the radio and singing different songs. When I was A child I liked singING AT 'of' (niepotr) the academy and in the church. In my FREE time 'I'm going' I GO to the cinema with my friends.
I don't want 'competitION FROM' (zle pojecie - tutaj RULE) my friends because I love them.
>PS: When 'we are' ARE WE going to meet?


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