sprawdzenie zadania kilka zdan

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Uzupelnij zdania

If I have enough money next summer
I will go in a holiday in Italy if I have enough money next summer.

If I have times this week
I will meet my friends if I have times this week

If my friends are doing nothing tonight
My friend will come with me in the cinema if he are doing nothing tonight.

If I work hard next week
I will be very tired if I work hard next week

If I finish this book
I will buy new book if I finish this book.

If I learn English
I will go to work in England if I learn English
If I have enough money next summer
I will go in a holiday {TO} Italy if I have enough money next summer.

If I have TIME this week
I will meet my friends if I have TIME this week

If my friends are doing nothing tonight
My friend will come{GO!} {2-with me} {1-in{TO!} the cinema} if he are{IS!} doing nothing tonight.

If I work hard next week
I will be very tired if I work hard next week -OK

If I finish this book
I will buy {A} new book if I finish this book.

If I learn English
I will go to work in England if I learn English - OK

Sugestia: Zacznij zdania od podanych zwrotow z "if" i w srodku wstaw przecinki, np.:

If I learn English, I will go to work in England.

Nie mowie, ze w Twojej wersji sa zle, ale beda lepiej brzmialy, jesli zmienisz kolejnosc.


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