Prosze o sprawdzenie - please- tekst o in vitro ;)

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Novadays medicine's development reaches very high level and many ills can be treated. Unfortunetaly human can't stop environment's pollution, so year after year appear many news ills which are diificult to treating.
Last tima the majority of ills became sterility and it hits as women as men. Fortunetaly human is been able to treat and manage with sterility by many methods- for example in vitro method.
Some people are against this method. They think that in vitro is interference in human's body. Besides in invitro method is made selection of the strongest embrions and those weaker are thrown away or distroyed. People think that embrions are kiled and the same are kiled unborn (nienarodzone) children.They demounce the fact that in vitro method demands implanting of strange ovums (komorka jajowa) sometimes.
Katholics think that people will have chldren when The God wiil want to give them children.
I'm for using in vitro method. I think that arguments against are weak and not clear. katholics are against contraception because they think that people should have children and they shouldn't protect against it. in vitro help people became parents. For me the more people want to have children, the most they will love theyr children.
In in vitro often are used the same ovums which was taken from the same women who want to have children by this method, so it isn't strange ovums. Besides doctors never take ovums from woman without her agreepment. If woman give ovums for other woman to in vitro this is only her decision.It's help but not sold.
I agree with some peopla that embrions shouldn't be thrown away, but I don't know what the difrences people see between embrion and 6-month-old chldren in mather stomach. For me it's the same- they'r both alife. I can't udarstand why they let to burn children's bodys who was born a little to early and they dyed. Some mathers want to have funeral for theyr children but, they can't. Isn't humanly treating??
I'm against to throw away weaker embrions, but I think that these embrions shouldbe modify geneticaly to bacame some features- eyes, hearts, kidneys.. This way we could solve transplant problem.
I am for in vitro and I think that people have right to have children when they want and I think that God Creator give people brains and free will to develope and use whole the world as own usself ( nasz swoj wlasny) and to human can choose what's the best for him. Every person, every waman have to decide allone and nobody cannot impose somthing on others.

Prosze o poprawki- a bedzie ich sporo- noo coz ucze sie dopiero 11 miesiecy ;) a zaczelam od My name is.. ;)))
'Novadays' (ortog) 'medicine's development' (lepiej developkments in medicine have reached ...) reaches A very high level and many 'ills' DISEASES can be treated. Unfortunetaly human (ale human co? brain cell?) can't stop environment's pollution, so year after year THERE appear many news 'ills' DISEASES which are 'diificult' (ortog) to 'treating' TREAT.
Last 'tima' (ortog) the majority of 'ills became sterility' (cos tu nie tak) and it hits 'as' (niepotr) women AS WELL AS men. 'Fortunetaly' (ortog) 'human' (nie pisz tak - lepiej a person) 'is' HAS been able to BE treatED and manage 'with' THE PROBLEM OF sterility by many methods- for example in vitro method.
They think that in vitro is interference in A 'human's' (generalnie to sa kobiety to mozna a woman's body) body. Besides 'in' (niepotr) in THE in-vitro method 'is made selection of the strongest embrions' (zla kol slow a selection of the strongest...) and those weaker are thrown away
or 'distroyed' (ortog). People think that embrions are 'kiled' (ortog) and AT THE SAME TIME THESE are unborn children.They 'demounce' (ortog) the fact that THE in-vitro method demands THE implanting of 'strange' (?) ovums sometimes.
'Katholics' (ortog) think that...
I'm for using THE in vitro method. I think that arguments against THIS are weak
and not clear. Catholics are against contraception because they think
that people should have children and 'they' CONTRACEPTIVES shouldn't protect against it. THE in-vitro METHOD helpS people becOme parents. For me the more people want to have children, the 'most' (zle slowo) they will love 'theyr' (ortog) children.
In in-vitro 'often are used the same ovums' (zla kol slow - the same ovums...) which 'was' WERE taken from the same women who want to have children by this method, so 'it isn't' THEY ARE NOT strange ovums. Besides doctors never take ovums from THE woman without her 'agreepment' (orotg). If A woman giveS ovums for other womEn 'to' FOR THE in-vitro METHOD this is only her decision.
'It's help but not sold' (cos tgo nie rozumiem).
I agree with some peopla that embrions shouldn't be thrown away, but I
don't know what ARE the 'difrences'(ortog) THAT people see between embrion and
A 6-month-old 'chldren' (tu l. poj CHILD) in THE mOther'S stomach. For me it's the same- they'rE both aliVe. I can't 'udarstand' (ortog) why they 'let to burn' (lepiej ALLOW THE BURNING) OF children's 'bodys' BODIES who 'was' WERE born a little toO early and they 'dyed' HAVE DIED. Some mOthers want to
have A funeral for 'theyr' (ortog) children but, they can't.
'Isn't humanly treating??' (cos tego nie rozumiem)
I'm against 'to' THE throwING away OF THE weaker embrions, but I think that these embrions should be modifIED geneticaly to bacOme some features- eyes,
hearts, kidneys. This way we could solve THE transplant problem.
I am for in- vitro and I think that people have A right to have children
when they want and I think that God THE Creator giveS people brains and
free will to 'develope' (ortog) and use THE whole OF the world as 'own usself' (nie - ortog - ale tutaj OUR OWN and 'to' (niepotr) A PERSON 'human' (niepotr) can choose what's the best for him. Every person, every wOman haS to decide 'allone' (ortog) and nobody 'cannot' CAN impose 'somthing' (ortog) on others.


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