prosze o pomoc - skleroza nie boli :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
napisz reklamację w sprawie zakupionego niedawno towaru, ktory nie spełnił twoich oczekiwań:
- opisz okoliczności zakupu (???????????? - nie rozumiem)
- podaj powody swojej reklamacji
- wyjaśnij, jakie kroki podjąłeś kuż w tej sprawie
- napisz, jakiego rozwiązania oczekujesz

Dear Mr Moore
I am writing to complain about toster. I ordered the toster of 10 August and you sent me it of 18 August. In your anvertisement, you advertisement started me that the toster, which I ordered, is (bezpieczny dla otoczenia).
Unfortunately the toster is danger for me. A cable has defect. It was cut.
I sent three letters to your company, but I did not answere and I tried to contact company several times during but nobody was not available and didn’t return my calls.
I would like get my money or new toster.
If you need to contact me, I can be reached on 999 999 999.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely,


myślę, że jest dobrze...;/

z góry dziękuję :)
i pozdrawiam :)
I znowu ktoś mi napisze, że jestem niecierpliwa... ;(
więc ktoś mi pomoże? uratuje mnie?
>Dear Mr Moore
>I am writing to complain about my toster. I ordered my toster on 10th of
>August and you sent it to me on 18th of August. The (operating) manual read that the toster which I ordered is safe.
>Unfortunately, the toster is dangerOUS for me. A cable has a defect. It was (possibly) cut.
>I sent three letters to your company, but I did not GET ANY answer. MOREOVER, I
>tried to contact YOUR company several times 'during'(=podczas? chodzi o 'w miedzyczasie'? - in the meantime) but nobody was
>available and ANSWERED my calls.
>I would like TO get my money BACK or A new toster.
>If you need to contact me, I can be reached AT 999 999 999.
>I look forward to hearing from you.
>Thank you in advance.
>Yours sincerely,

(moga byc bledy)
Krótsza wersja

Dear Mr Philips,
I am writing to complain about the toaster. I bought it in your shop in London on March 10th 2008. (1)
Unfortunately, it does not work well and burns the bread. (2)
I wanted to return it to the shop but the shop assistant did not accept it. (3)
I would like to return the toaster and get my money back. (4)
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

okolicznosci to gdzie i kiedy
oczywista nie pisz numerkow – to tylko dla ciebie
jedno zdanie na jedna kreche wystarczy - im prosciej tym lepiej
pewnie ze sa :)
>pewnie ze sa :)
duzo mi ta uwaga nie pomoze - moze wskazesz?
>im prosciej tym lepiej
nie tutaj.

powyzsza praca jest za krotka - na maturze by punkty odjeli.

Nie błedy, ale można inaczej:

>>I am writing to complain about my toster. I ordered my toster on
>10th of
>>August and you sent it to me on 18th of August.

I am writing to complain about the toaster that I ordered on 10th of August and that was sent to me on 18th of August.

The (operating)
>manual read that the toster which I ordered is safe.
....manual states that the toaster is safe.

>Unfortunately, the toster is dangerOUS for me. A cable has a
Unfortunately, the toaster is dangerous to use because its cable has a defect.

I did not GET ANY
może lepiej "receive" zamiast "get"? get jest zbyt oklepane.
jeszcze zamiast "answer" może być "reply".

To chyba błąd: nikt nie był dostępny i odebrał telefon?

but nobody was
>>available and ANSWERED my calls.
but nobody was available to answer my calls.
nie prawda, właśnie jestem egzaminatorem i wiem za co pkt się daje, praca nie jest za krótka bo w tej pracy nie ma limitu słów
>praca nie jest za krótka bo w tej pracy nie ma limitu słów

Skad taka pewnosc?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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