Proszę o sprawdzenie!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
It was an ordinary evening. It was late about 20 o^clock. It was raining so I was sitting on the sofa and reading my favourite book.
For some reason, I looked up at the sky and I saw a strange object. That looked like round plate with milion lights.
To my surprise, it landed and an alien got out. An alien took after monster which I saw at some movie. It had violet skin, antennae, gimlet eyes, samll month and hateful hands and feets. I was afraid but exciteded too.
Then it spoke to me in perfect English. It said 'Hi. I am Vesper. I am there because I want to know Your world. Could You help me?' Her voise was benign and nice. I was so startled that I couldn't say nothing. When I snaped out of it, I said 'Yes, of course.' I gave her my favourite atlas and said 'There are so many nice places in my world. You should cope with it.' She thanked me and slowly came away. I stopped her and I asked it what I'd always wanted to ask an alien: ' Can You tell me that You know something about witching? ' It answered my question: 'Yes, I know. I had present by Your help.' I was surprised and I said 'Thank You very much.' I didnn't know what kind of present could be. Eventually, it got back in the object and flew away. I stood still for a while, and when I turned round, I noticed that something had changed. My house had changed. Now there were so many beautiful things for example new sofa, the box, chairs, tables and more, more things. My life would never be the same again.

z góry dziekuję za pomoc:)) ;*
A co sie stalo z uzywaniem 'a'
It was late about '20 o'clock' (NIE - albo jest 8.p.m. albo 8'o'clock in the evenieng albo 2000 hrs). It was raining, (przecinek) so I was sitting on the sofa and reading my favourite book.
'That' (nie, moze IT) looked like A round plate with A milion lights.
To my surprise, it landed (tutaj mozesz napisac gdzie) and an alien got out.
An alien 'took' (cos tutaj nie rozumiem) 'after' (czy masz na mysli LIKE?) A monster which I saw at some movie. It had violet skin, antennae,
gimlet eyes, 'samll' (ortog) month and 'hateful' (moze inne slowo) hands and 'feets' (nie FEET-to l. mnoga, l.poj to foot). I was afraid but
'exciteded' (ortog) too.
I am A Vesper. I am 'there' TAM czy tutaj? wtedy HERE) because I want to know 'Your' (malymi literami your) world. Could 'You' (you mala litera) help me?' Her 'voise' (ortog) was benign and nice. I was so startled that I couldn't say 'nothing' (NIE - I couldn't say ANYTHING)
When I 'snaped' (ortog) out of it, I said 'Yes, of course.' I gave her my
favourite atlas and said 'There are so many nice places in my world.
You should 'cope with it' (tego nie rozumiem).'
She thanked me and slowly 'came' WENT away. I stopped her and I asked it what I'd always wanted to ask an alien:
'Can 'You' (you mala litera) tell me 'that' (nie to slowo -tutaj IF 'You' (you mala litera) know something about 'witching' (nie WITCHCRAFT?'
It answered my question: 'Yes, I know (ale co?).
'I had present by Your help' (nie - napewno nie to - co tutaj chcesz powiedziec?)
I was REALLY surprised and I said 'Thank 'You' (you mala litera) very much.'
I 'didnn't' (ortog) know what kind of present IT could be. Eventually, it got back in the 'object' (tutaj mozesz SPACECRAFT) and flew away.
Now there were so many beautiful things for example new sofa, 'the box' (jaki box?), chairs, tables and 'more, more' (mozna 'many more') things.
sorry, zauwazylam literowke:
>8'o'clock in the eveniNG
jak zwykle ratujesz mi zycie Terri:))
dziękuję Ci bardzo ;*


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