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The Christmas tree in house appear is a few days before the Christmas Eve, but 20 years ago it wasn’t the tradition. The Christmas tree dress up come from Germany. The Christmas tree-spruce is the symbol of “tree life” who stand by available for people for moment born Chrystus. Candles on Christmas tree are symbol of Chrystus light. The fixed Tradition od Christmas Eve is sing carols with family. The prime plank on the Christmas Eve in Germany is first day eve. In Christmas Eve evening children get “colorful plate” with sweets and fruits. The delicious food is bake for most German cookies in form of star. The carps isn’t most fear Christmas Eve. In apposite for Poland, this species of fish isn’t belong to favourite dishs festive in German. Just on new year the carp appear on the tables. Then also tell fortunes by cards yours future and don’t use wax, but they use lead. After the Christmas Eve the last mass is start at 8,00 p.m. In German churches isn’t traditional “midnight mass”.

The children have advent calendars for first day of December in form of house with twenty four windows. They open one window each day of advent and extract form it him surprise. There are most often candies, chocolate bars, but some parents prepare calendars for your children, it is possible in to which windows cake hit, short poems or small pictures –landscape winter. Time of supper in german houses and to open present aver ringing for afternoon bell. On the german table in Christmas Eve serve is supper from fishes, potato salad with sausage and goose-baked. She appears on table to that third house in east Germany and to that fifth on west Germany.

Z góry dziękuję!
The Christmas tree 'in house appear' (zla kol slow- APPEARS in the house) 'is a' (niepotr) A few days before 'the' (niepotr) Christmas Eve, but 20 years ago 'it' THAT wasn't the tradition. 'The Christmas tree dress up' (tutaj masz calkowicie inne pojecie...The dressing....) 'come' CAME from Germany. The Christmas 'tree-spruce' (zla kol slow) is the symbol of “tree OF life" 'who' ()ale tree to nie jest osoba, tutaj WHICH) standS 'by' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) available for people for THE moment 'born 'Chrystus' (po ang to CHRIST) (ale zdanie masz zle- ..tutaj of Christ's birth.). Candles on THE Christmas tree are 'A' symbol of 'Chrystus' (prosze to zmienic) light. The
fixed tradition 'od' (ortog) Christmas Eve is TO sing carols with THE family. The prime ' plank' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) on 'the' (niepotr) Christmas Eve in Germany is 'first day eve' (tego nie rozumiem). 'In' ON (tutaj musisz dac...THE evening OF) Christmas Eve 'evening' (niepotr) children get “coloUrful plateS" with sweets and fruits. The delicious food is bakeD (czas przeszly) for most German cookies in THE form of A star.
'The carps isn't most fear Christmas Eve' (tego nie rozumiem).
In appositION 'for' TO Poland,this species of fish 'isn't' (tutaj DOES NOT belong to THE favourite 'dishs' (diSHES - ale zla kol slow ...Festive disheS) 'festive' (niepotr) in 'German' (ale tutaj masz na mysli kraj - GERMANY). IT IS ONLY 'Just' (niepotr) on New Year THAT the carp appearS (it-carp-3os.l.poj) on the tables.
Then also (ale kto?)tell fortunes by cards yours future and don't use wax, but they use lead....Przepisz to zdanie, troche niema sensu...
After 'the' (niepotr) Christmas Eve the last mass 'is' (niepotr) startS at 8.00 p.m. In German churches IT isn't traditional TO HAVE A “Midnight Mass".

The children have advent calendars 'for' FROM THE first day of December in THE form of A house with twenty four windows. They open one window each day of
THE Advent and extract 'form' (zle slowo) it 'him' (niepotr) A surprise. There are most often candies,chocolate bars, but some parents prepare calendars for 'your' (twoje, czy swoje?) children,it is possible (tu brakuje slowa)in 'to' (niepotr) which windows A cake IS 'hit' (zle slowo), short poems or small pictures -'lanscape winter' (zla kol slow).
THE Time of supper in German houses and to open present aver ringing for afternoon bell.
On the German table 'in' ON Christmas Eve 'serve is supper' (zla kol slow - a supper) from fishes, potato salad with sausage and A 'goose-baked' (zla kol slow). 'She' (tutaj IT-goose) appears on THE table 'to that third house' (nie rozumiem tego) in East Germany and (aha - nie, nie tak...IN 'to that' EVERY) fifth 'on' IN West Germany.
Przepraszam że tak długo, ale za nim ja wszystkie te błędy poprawiłam to mija pół godziny.

Czyli jeszcze powrócę do tych poszczególnych zdań:
1. The prime plank on Christmas Eve in Germany is first day eve. (W tym zdaniu chodziło mi o to:
Najważniejszym punktem w Święta Bożego Narodzenia jest pierwszy dzień świąt.
2. The carps isn’t most fear Christmas Eve (Karpie nie muszę się obawiać Bożego Narodzenia....)
3. There are most often candies, chocolate bars, but some parents prepare calendars for our children, it is possible (nie wiem jakie mam tu słowo wstawić?) in which windows a cake, short poems or small pictures – winter landscape
4. It appears on the table ever third house in east Germany and ever fifth in West Germany. (i tu już się pogubiłam kompletnie?)

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