prośba o rzucenie okiem na zadanie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie zadania i poprawienie ewentualnych błędów

My name is Justyna. I come from Poland in Nysa. I am eighteen years old. I am a student but i learn only in weekends. My family is not very big, there is five of us: my parents, my two sisters and me. My mother is a hair-stylist and she works a lot. My father is a bricklayer. One of my sisters is four years older of me and she lives and studies in Wrocław, my younger sistes like playing computer games and watching television. I love all my friend like family because they are always when i need them. In Friday evening i usually go with my friends to the cinema to watch an interesting film or to a pub a drink to drink coca-cola and listen to the music. My interest this music and sport. I really like read books. I like films on television and video but go to the cinema from time to time,too. My favourite meal is hamburger and fries, but my best drink is vanilla drink. In the weekend i do what i do in the week, but in the Sunday i go to church.
My name is Justyna. I LIVE IN Poland in Nysa. I am eighteen years
old. I am a student but i learn only ON weekends. My family is not very big, there is five of us: my parents, my two sisters and me. My
mother is a hair-stylist and she works a lot. My father is a
bricklayer. One of my sisters is four years older THAN me and she lives>and studies in Wrocław, my younger sistes likeS playing computer games
and watching television. I love (all my friend CO? :D) MY family because they
are always when i need them. ON Friday eveningS i usually go with my
friends to the cinema to watch an interesting film or to a pub
to drink coca-cola and listen to music. I'M INTERESTED IN MUSIC and
sport. I really like READING books. I like WATCHING films on television and video but I ALSO go to the cinema from time to time. (CHOCIAŻ TO ZDANIE MOŻE BYĆ NIEPOTRZEBNE, BO WCZEŚNIEJ WSPOMINASZ, ŻE CHODZISZ DO KINA) My favourite meal is hamburger and fries, but my best drink is vanilla drink. ON the
weekendS i do what i do in the week, but ON SundayS i go to church.

dużymi literami zaznaczyłam co poprawiłam, mam nadzieję, że nic nie pominęłam.
dzieki bardzo :D


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