Bardzo, bardzo, BARDZO proszę o sprawdzenie

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Proooszę prooooszę bardzo o sprawdzenie :(
Aj, aj, aj, czy to w ogóle przypomina esej?
Nie umiem pisać kreatywnie mając do dyspozycji 250 słów i niewiele czasu:P

At the days more and more students start to complain about the educational work of their schools. This is true that in the last few decades the schools' economy has changed drastically. Will the traditional school be able to serve its purpose or is it going to evolve as well?
In my opinion, no. Or, if it is going to happen, it will be the worst, probably irreversible, thing to do.
The aim of attending to school is to learn and so, to require knowledge indispensable to work or live. Being a scientist, an artist, even a shopkeeper, entails a particular amount of learning.
In lyceums teenagers have to decide on what do they want to do in the future. They gain basic knowledge about all the important subjects, so they can choose between all of them and centre on what is important to them. It is sad, but true that no one can excel in all fields of life and wanting to achieve something new and important we have to focus ALL our attention on it and cannot be disturbed by other things.
If schools have made us know less or too much about everything, well... it would be a problem. We probably would be a stupid society or we wouldn't develop because of that we cannot centre on anything.
As it is today, we should let people be creative, make them interested in particular thing and let them discover what they (will) love to do.


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