Bill Gates- sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Who is Bill Gates?
Bill Gates has got 54 years old. He is bussinessman, and billionaire.
What have he and Paul Allen done together?
Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen started Mictosoft in 1975.
Why has Gates been do successful?
13-year-old Bill Gates was spending all his time writing programs. He started Microsoft in 1975. Microsoft was major business success. Gates has always been very ambitious. and hardworking.
What does he do in his free time?
Bill Gates likes puzzles, golf and reading sciance.
What does he plan to do with all his money?
He plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retiers.

Używam ksiązki Interprise. I odpowiedziałam na te pytania, ale nie wiem czy dobrze (gramatycznie i 'logicznie') Bardzo proszę o pomoc .

z gory dziękuję ;*
>Bill Gates has got 54 years old. He is bussinessman, and

Po angielsku mówi się "jestem 54 lat stary" a nie "mam 54 lata". Na pierwszej lub drugiej lekcji tego uczą.

Przed rzeczownikami stawiamy przedimki.


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