Sprawdzenie.Proszę o pomoc. ;)PILNE

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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Logistics is my dream job.There is very nice work.When I will complete school I want working in this job.Be learn logistician,meet new people. The main functions of a transportation, warehousing, planning, organizing.Elastic hours of work are advantage.It is possible also to travel after world.Although there is hard work and stressful it gives satisfaction.Logistics must know cooperate with other people. I advice all it profession.
Logistics to nie zawód
It is very nice work. When I complete school I want to work in this job. I would like to learn logistics, meet new people.
The main functions of logistics are transportation, warehousing, planning,
travel around the world
People who work in Logistics must know how to cooperate with others. I advice
everyone to take up this profession.
Logistician* (chyba tak), ok dzięki za pomoc :)
Logistics is an area of business I would dream of working in after graduating from school.It is a very interesting job. First of all, being in logistics you get to know new people. This line of work consists of basically ensuring the smooth running of transportation, warehousing and planning(of what?)
Flexible working hours is another added advantage which I find particularly appealing.(doubt it) You also can travel around the world.(or you rather sit on your butt and wrangle over stuff with dispatchers.:) Although hard and stressful, this job would really fulfils anyone. Possessing good teamwork skills is essential to being successful for those who’d like to start their careers in logistics and I would certainly recommend anyone to try out for it.
>after graduating from school
after graduation

>You can also travel around the world.

>this job would really fulfil anyone

>Possessing good teamwork skills is essential to being
>successful for those who'd like to start their careers in logistics.
>I would certainly recommend anyone to try out for it.
< after graduating .. why not Pakk ?
to keep it simple and avoid the pleonasm/tautology.
"fulfil" and "also" , yes I slipped up on them, thanks Pakk.
But what is wrong with ? :

>Possessing good teamwork skills is essential to being
>successful for those who'd like to start their careers in logistics.
>I would certainly recommend anyone to try out for it.
< to keep it simple and avoid the pleonasm/tautology.

That would be a slight exaggeration to call it like this I think.:)
< to keep it simple and avoid the pleonasm/tautology.

In other words "being addicted to monosyllabism and producing a simplified form of a language"?
If so, I couldn't agree more.:)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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