Proszę o poprawienie opisu obrazka

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie opisu obrazka. Jestem na poziomie Elementary/Pre-Intermediate.

This picture shows a hotel and its guests. I do not know exactly where it is. Perhaps it is in Argentina or Spain, because you can see in the background palm trees and mountains.
There is a big swimming pool in the foreground where people are swimming now. Two other people who are lying on deckchairs by the pool are sunbathing now.
There is a beautiful luxury hotel on the left with a red roof which is surrounded by greenery.
The weather is beautiful. It is not raining, the sky is clear. Certainly it is summer and the people are on their dream holiday. This place looks very beautiful and friendly. People seem to be happy.
Perhaps it is in Argentina or Spain, because 'you can see in the
background' ( the background, you can see) palm trees and mountains.
Dziekuję bardzo za pomoc :))


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