poprawność użycia słów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności rozwiązania testu z użycia właściwych słów w zdaniach:
( z góry dziekuje za pomoc mamutom-:))
1. Can I/ get/you a beer?
2.I would /like/ to talk to you.
3.I always /take/ a black handbag when I /carry/ black shoes.
3a I always /carry/ a black handbag when I /wear/ black shoes.
4 How do you /spend/ your free time?
5. In my family my mother /does/ dinner and my father washes up.
6."Am I Late?" - "I'm /afraid/ so"
7. Can you /lend/ me some money?
8. Can I/ borrow/ your car for the weekend?
9. What's the problem? I have /pain/ throat.
10 How long have you had this tooth/ache/?
11. I can feel /pain/ in my back.
12. Oh, no. I have /lost/ my wallet.
( wybrac z pośród : lost/missedd/ forget)
13 If we don't hurry up, we're going to /miss/ the bus.
14. Take your umbrella if you want to stay /wet/.
15. I studied hard and /passed/ the exam easily.
16. Mark hasn't /studied/ for the exam. he's going to fail.
17. I would /like/ to live in Paris.
18. Mozart's /life/ was very exciting.

8. Can I borrow your car for the weekend?
9. What's the problem? I have pain throat.
10 How long have you had this toothache?
11. I can feel pain in my back.
12. Oh, no. I have lost my wallet.
( wybrac z pośród : lost/missedd/ forget)
13 If we don't hurry up, we're going to miss the bus.
14. Take your umbrella if you want to stay wet.
15. I studied hard and passed the exam easily.
16. Mark hasn't studied for the exam. he's going to fail.
17. I would like to live in Paris.
18. Mozart's life was very exciting.
3.I always /take/ a black handbag when I /carry/ black shoes. - nosisz buty w rekach?
3a I always /carry/ a black handbag when I /wear/ black shoes.
5. In my family my mother /does/ dinner and my father washes up.
inny czasownik

9. What's the problem? I have /pain/ throat.
mam gardło bólu
ma tu byc przymiotnik na s

14. Take your umbrella if you want to stay /wet/.
do czego sluzy parasol?

reszta ok
Thanks, very much!

5. In my family my mother /makes/ dinner and my father washes up.
inny czasownik

9. What's the problem? I have /sore/ throat.

14. Take your umbrella if you want to stay /dry/.

It's ok, yet?


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