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Last summer I and my frieds were driving to Cracov. It was July and it was warm,but winter blowing all the time. Suddenly the car broke down and we stopped. We didn’t know what happen with the car so Johnny called for some help. I was touring nearby places while the other members of trip were traing repair the boken car. We were wainting for help about 5 hours. The wather was getting cold. I hadn’t got worm clothing so I got cold a little.After 5 hours, help came to us. It was Kamil. He had been in Łodz before Johnny called to him. Kamil took us his car and we happily drove to Cracov.
>Last summer {} my frieds {and I} were driving to Cracov. It was July and
>it was warm, but {the wind was} blowing all the time. Suddenly, the car broke
>down and we stopped. We didn't know what {had happened to} the car so Johnny
>called for some help. ??I was touring nearby places?? while the other
>members of {the} trip were {trying to} repair the {broken} car. We {waited} for
>help about {five} hours. The {weather} was getting cold. I hadn't {taken any warm}
>clothing so I got cold a little. After {five} hours, help came{}. It was
>Kamil. ??He had been in Łodz?? before Johnny called {} him. Kamil took us {all to Cracov in} his car and we happily {returned} to {our homes}.
>>Last summer my 'frieds' (tutaj jest blad ortog)...


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