Da ktoś radę przetłumaczyć? ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jeśli by się komuś chciało to bardzo bym prosił o tłumaczenie bo ja z anglika jestem zielony jak żaba ;) (piosenka w oryginale jest po francusku a to jej angielski tekst). To od dziewczyny ,na której mi zależy...Serdecznie dziękuję za pomoc :)!

"Because of you"

If you think that one day I will let you go, for a detail or something small. Don’t be afraid, I will know to make the difference.

If you think that one day I will let you slip away ..
at the end of the summer
or when having to overcome something bad..
Don't be afraid, there's no other person that could replace you that easily.

Oh no, not you
Seriously not you
Because you're the only one I can tell I'm not afraid to grow older anymore.

Because it's you
And just because of that
Because, I admit, I’m not drawn to the idea of staying behind alone in a useless world.

If you think that we will have to do everything over one day
That we will need to change, because things went so well just a while ago
Don’t be afraid, I don’t want to cause unnecessary problems.
Why tire ourselves with it?

And don’t even start to reveal yourself to me
Because, I already know you well enough for that
I know your face by mind
And your desires too, and those spots on your body

That keep telling everything
Because we, we’re strong together
Because for you, I wouldn’t be afraid to face all things
And you’re the one I would be able to forgive for everything

Because it's you
And just because of that
Because it’s you I would like to have a child with, and not because it’s the time for it

I want to see you from the inside out
I would see all those imperfections in his eyes
because perfection isn’t my goal in life anymore
because it’s you
Because you're the only one I can tell I'm not afraid to grow older anymore

Because it's you
And just because of that
Because, I admit, I’m not drawn to the idea of staying behind alone in a useless world.
Because it’s you


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