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W artykule w "The economist", którego część tu przesyłam, pojawia się zwrot "land titles". Wiecie jak go zgrabnie przetłumaczyć na polski? Będę bardzo wdzięczna za pomoc!
Bad blood
Polish-Lithuanian ties are ancient but increasingly acrimonious
Mar 10th 2012 | from the print edition

BAFFLINGLY bad and getting dangerously worse. That is how Polish-Lithuanian ties seem to outsiders. The two countries share six centuries of overlapping history (and sometimes geography), but remember it differently, Lithuanians, some 3m of them, think Poland is arrogant and interfering. Poland, 12 times larger, thinks Lithuania mistreats its ethnic Polish minority—around 8% of the population—and fails to keep its promises.

The rows are long-running and seemingly arcane. One is about spelling: Lithuanian law says official documents, such as passports and birth certificates, may be written only in the Lithuanian alphabet, which lacks the letter W and most of the diacritical marks of Polish. That is a nuisance for those with non-Lithuanian names. Poland’s president, Bronislaw Komorowski, who visited Lithuania last month, would spell his name Komorovski if he chose to live there. A law to change the alphabet restriction foundered in 2010: another sign of bad faith, says Warsaw.

Another dispute is about Lithuania’s Polish-language schools: they must now teach more subjects in Lithuanian. The supposed aim is to improve school-leavers’ flaky command of the national language and to improve their chances in the job market. But Poles in Lithuania decry this. They organised a strike in September, and plan a big protest on March 17th.

A third row is about restitution of property in the Vilnius region confiscated in the Soviet era. The ethnically Polish district was ruled by Poland before the war (“occupied”, say the Lithuanians). That complicates land titles. Other squabbles concern rules about using Polish in advertisements and street signs.

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