Proszę o tłumaczenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I. Complete sentences with verbs. Use the verbs in the positive or negative form (+) or (-) as indicated. (10)

like read drive speak eat have study play want be

+ He _____________________ animals.
- I _______________________ Chinese.
- My father ________________ the violin, but he can sing well.
+She _____________________ a big garden and likes to work in it.
- My sister ______________ economics. She + ________ to be a lawyer and she studies law.
- He _____________________ eat meat. He + __________________ vegetarian.
- I _________________________ a BMW.
- We _______________________ tabloid papers.

III. Complete the sentences with a verb in the past tense (10)

come not reserve take live stay not remember be watch want think

We ________________________ in a 3-star hotel last year.
They _______________________ a table and fund that the restaurant was full.
___________ you _____________the football match on TV last night?
Sorry. I ________________it was your birthday yesterday. I ___________ it was next week.
I ________________________ in a rented room when I was a student.
Why ____________________ you ___________________ to be a civil servant?
He _________________ late for work and his boss was angry.
It _______________________ me 2 hours to get here.
After 1989 there __________________ many political transformations in Poland.

IV. Complete the questions in the past simple tense (10)

___________________________? (you/ go out/ last night)
What ______________________?_(you/wear)
What _______________________? (you/do)
___________________________ with you? (your boyfriend/girlfriend go)
What ______________________? (you /eat)
When_____________________? (the party/finish)
What time _________________? (you/get home)
__________________________? (the evening/ be warm)
_________________________a good time? (you/have)

V. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous (10)

My dog is not dangerous. He ____________________ (not bite)
Why _______ you _____________ sunglasses? It ________________ (wear, rain)
You can turn off the radio. I__________________ to it. (not listen)
Because of the financial crisis many businesses _____________(close) now and new ______ (not start).
____________ you usually _______________ at week-ends? (cook)
Yes, I do. This week-end I _______________ (make) a lasagna.
I never _________ (watch) TV during the week because I ________(not have) time for it.

Mam ogromny problem z czasami, więc jakby był ktoś tak uprzejmy to prosiłabym o zrobienie tego. Z tego co mi powiedziano to są to dziecinnie proste zadania, niestety nie dla mnie :(
pierwsze ćwiczenie jest w czasie Simple Present. Zrób je sama, a ktoś zapewne poprawi i wytłumaczy, na czym polegają błędy.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie