Check it, please :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę, niech ktoś mi to sprawdzi :]

On this day Catholics pray for the souls suffering in Purgatory. It is believed, that the prayers of the faithful on earth will help cleanse these souls in order to prepare them for Heaven.

On All Souls’s Day people visit cemeteries, graves of deceased relatives and take part in masses for the dead. They also proceed to the cemeteries to visit, bless and decorate the graves. This tradition is universal among Catholic countries, and accepted by the church.
zamiast "proceed to the cemeteries" napisz "go there". To 'also' jest nielogiczne, bo w poprzednim zdaniu piszesz wlasciwie o tym samym. Wyrzuc also
W pierwszym akapicie jest niepotrzebny przecinek przed that. W drugim niepotrzebny przed and.
bless - oni sami blogoslawia zmarlym?
All Souls' Day
Reszta OK
Dzięki Ci, mg :)

All Souls' Day is a Roman Catholic day commemorating the faithful departed or those baptized Christians believed to be in purgatory. It is celebrated on November 2 following All Saints Day, unless this date falls on a Sunday. When this happens, All Souls' Day is celebrated on November 3.

Odilo, abbot of Cluny, established All Souls' Day in the 11th century and it was widely celebrated by the 13th century. The date follows All Saints' Day, with the idea that remembering the saints in heaven should be followed by remembering the souls awaiting release from purgatory.

On this day Catholics pray for the souls suffering in Purgatory. It is believed that the prayers of the faithful on earth will help cleanse these souls in order to prepare them for Heaven.

On All Souls’ Day people visit cemeteries, graves of deceased relatives and take part in masses for the dead. They go to the cemeteries to decorate the graves. They light up candles, put flowers or wreaths. This tradition is universal among Catholic countries and accepted by the church.

A możesz rzucić okiem na całość? Błagam!
jak znajdziesz bledy, napisz do autorow'-Day
Dobry jestes, ale skad ta podejrzliwosc? Za dobrze napisane? Przypomniala mi sie pewna dyskusja ( pare miesiecy temu).
Eeee, to do mnie? Bo nie rozumiem.
>Normalnie thx za tłumaczenie ... :( :(

Nie, nie do Ciebie.
za dobrze napisane
Przepraszam, ale wkleilo mi sie z innego tematu :

>Normalnie thx za tłumaczenie ... :( :( = Eeee, to do mnie? Bo nie rozumiem.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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