jedyny taki w Polsce

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wie może ktoś jak to przetłumaczyć?
the only one of its kind in Poland
unique in Poland
Poland's only
only in Poland
in Poland only

zależnie od kontekstu

aposteriori też ma rację.
>only in Poland
>in Poland only

Those two of yours are not the same as 'jedyny taki w Polsce'.
Not quite. They bear meanings of what is called "jedyny taki w Polsce" and
should be used in a metaphorical context rather than word-for-word one.
This more like a play on the words. If you want to convey the meaning hiding the generality of it, you can go as far as saying "you can have it only in Poland", "the unique thing in Poland that can be found", "Only Poland can have it", etc.

Only in Poland - "only" indicates the rarity of "it". Don't you think ?
... and 'jedyny taki w Polsce' presupposes that there are some more abroad, but not in Poland, which is actually the opposite of 'only in Poland', innit?
Didn't think that way, could be :)
>Only in Poland - "only" indicates the rarity of "it". Don't you think?

If you leave it as it is now (only in Poland), the first thing you will think of is 'jedynie/tylko w Polsce'. I'm afraid, to be able to convey the meaning of 'jedyny taki w Polsce' is the last thing you would think of to use.
z pytania wynika że chodzi o jakiś przedmiot ( moja opinia) ...samochód , dom, pistolet etc. jeśli zdanie jest w tym kotekście to paak jest correct....."only in Poland"....tylko w Polsce...może oznaczaś również że się można upić jak świnia.....konteks ...kontekst...kontekst
The context would settle the dispute :)

All in all, "only in Poland" should be construed accordingly. If there's such a possibility of using "it" in an appropriate context, shouldn't we shorten that headline ? It's the same with headlines in news, they are more like separate words fused together to form " a good syntax".

If this is the case "Only in Poland = unique" can be used to form such a structure, so I would stick to mine, if I had more context to fit into.
>If this is the case "Only in Poland = unique" can be used to form such
>a structure, so I would stick to mine, if I had more context to fit

There's one thing I'm quite sure of - I won't be able to convince you to use the following, '(...) the only one of the kind in Poland'. But at least I've tried.
as someone said: a man convinced against his will is of his opinion still....
the only one of the kind in Poland

Sorry, it doesn't seem to be snappy :)

If you really want to look swanky, I would use 'One and only - Poland has it"
Though it looks like you're never happy with my suggestions :)
So, let's call it a day.
>So, let's call it a day.

You've just taken the words right out of my mouth. Night.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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