proszę o przetłumaczenie tego zdania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o przetłumaczenie na anielski tego zdania:

Gratulacje z okazji zbliżających się narodzin dziecka
Congratulations on the occasion approaching of birth of a child
(twins, triplets, quadruplets, multiplets nigdy nic nie wiadomo)

Good luck and joy from approaching birth ... girl or boy

gratulacje po narodzinach dziecka
Dear _______,
Congratulations on the birth of your boy,
He will fill your life with joy.
I know you are excited about your son,
You will have a life of fun.
Little boys are full of love,
The were sent from the Lord above.
He will grow from child to man,
and for you he'll do all he can.
So to you I say, "My friend well done,
On the birth of your baby son."
Warm wishes,

Dear _______,
Your little baby's here at last, And your hearts all a whirl,
As you thank God above for sending you a little girl.
She'll wrap you around her little finger,with her innocent little eyes
And you'll want to give her all that she desires.
And as you cradle her sweet head and hold her in your arms,
You are holding a piece of Heaven, who will thrill you with her charms.
For little girls have a special way of looking up at you
And thanking you and loving you, for all the things you do.
Warm wishes,

Dear _______,
You've just received a cherished gift from God,
More precious than a priceless pearl.
We wish the best for both of you,
And your darling baby Boy.
May He have a wonderful life,
Grow up to be healthy and strong.
May He learn from your life's experiences,
How to cope when things go wrong
May He always be thoughtful of others,
And pray to God up above.
May He convey to all his family and friends,
His heart is filled with love.
Warm wishes,
Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your baby.
>Congratulations on the occasion approaching of birth of a child
>(twins, triplets, quadruplets, multiplets nigdy nic nie wiadomo)
> Good luck and joy from approaching birth ... girl or boy

Te zdania są niegramatyczne.
Congratulations on the approaching birth of your child.

Good luck with the fothcoming birth, girl or boy.

Eva74 mozesz dalej sie pastwic nad mym padlem...


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