znaczenie polskie idiomów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
jak można przetłumaczyć te idiomy:
get the ball rolling-
have a ball-
a whole new ball game-
play ball-
the ball is in your court-
Hi. Sorry, but I will give you the answers in English. You can learn more this way.

get (or start/set) the ball rolling - to do something which starts an activity, or to start doing something in order to encourage other people to do the same

have a ball - to enjoy yourself very much

a whole new ball game - a completely different situation, often one which is diffcult or which you know little about

play ball - to agree to work with or help someone in the way they have suggested

the ball is in your court - if the ball is in sb's court, they have to do something before any progress can be made in a situation

get the ball rolling - puścić w mechanizm
have a ball - bawić się (dobrze), hulać, imprezować, szaleć, balować
a whole new ball game - całkiem inna sytuacja/interes/sprawa
play ball (nie mylić z 'playboy':) - współpracować z kimś, mieć dobre układy z kim
the ball is in your court - czas na czyjąś piłkę, czyli czas na czyiś ruch
Ok. Thanks:)


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