
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
co oznacza wyrażenie: a bar of ??
Chodzi o określenie ilości.
ale czego? a bar of soap? kostka mydła
a bar of chocolate
a bar of soap
a bar of gold

chyba sie domyslisz
Mam problem: są to anagramy pewnych słów związanych ze sportem:
1/ treste glue
2/ bonzirg
Ma ktoś pomysł jakie słowo można z nich ułożyć?

I jeszcze jedno...
- chess t_ _ r _ _ m _ _ t
- ... organise more sporting e _ _ e _ ts.
- Dave won the swimming c _ m _ _ t _ t _ _ n.
- chess t_ _ r _ _ m _ _ t - turniej
- ... organise more sporting e _ _ e _ ts. - imprez (między 'e' tylko jedna luka!)
- Dave won the swimming c _ m _ _ t _ t _ _ n. zawody, wspólzawodnictwo
Bardzo proszę o przetłumaczenie tego tekstu:
The pope is about to crown a kneeling emperor. The pope lets the emperor kiss his feet, which was precisely one of those acts that Martin Luther already in 1520 had characterized as acts of the antichrist. As a true Christian, the pope should rather wash his disciples' feet (John 13:1-17).

Death jovially puts his arm around the pope, while the other hand holds on to a crutch. Another Death has cleverly disguised himself as a cardinal and sends a crooked smile to the reader, while aping the cardinal in front.

The different artists show clearly that the emperor has the pope's foot in his face (e.g. Vogtherr to the left). Only Bechstein (to the right) is more ambiguous. His drawing could easily give the impression that the emperor is folding his hands in a silent prayer. Maybe he's praying that he won't contract athlete's foot in the mouth?
A devil is crawling over the pope's head, and another devil comes flying with a letter of indulgence. The popes armrest is a cherub with devil's wings.

On the letter of indulgence is a pseudo-inscription, which Vogtherr has replaced with a legible text (picture to the left): "ve tibi corona Superbia mea". I'm not an expert on Latin, but it sounds like a variation of Isaiah 28:1 "vae coronae superbiae". Isaiah means "Woe to the crown of pride", so the flying devil probably says "Woe to you, my crown of pride".

The picture of the pope is the most problematic (for the publisher), and presumably the reason why Les Simulachres & Historiées was published anonymously. The other pictures are more ambiguous, and could always be explained away by saying that the artist had portrayed a single corrupt cardinal or a single incompetent bishop. But there is only one single infallible pope, so when Holbein depicts the pope surrounded by devils and corpses (and does the same with the pope in the dance of death alphabet), then the address is unequivocal and the message is unmistakable. Therefore most of the copyists chose to remove the devils — if not at first, then in later issues. As the picture to the right shows, Mechel is available with or without two devils.
1/ treste glue => street luge
2/ bonzirg, czy tu nie ma pomylki?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia