over the park

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I got kicked all over the park.
ktos mi powi co tu chodzi mowa jest o pilce noznej

all over = po calym
ale o co konkretnie chodzi
I have also become braver. Contrary to what people think, it is physical in
Holland and fast. I got kicked all over the park

jak rozumiem park to jest jakies bojsko stadion nie mam tego w slowniku
tak. the park = boisko
kopal strzelal glole wszytko mu wchodzilo a moze chodzi o to ze niszczyl wszytkich na bojsku nie mial respektu dla nikogo w tym sensie?
Trzeba było walczyć na całym boisku.
Please write one or two sentences before and after this one.
By itself it does not seem to make much sense. A 'park' is usually where trees are. Football is usually played on a pitch.
I got kicked - sound to me as if physical force was used to kick you.
Maybe not?
obijali go na calym boisku
Sorry - have just realized that you have already shown the context. This seems to be part of an interview with a Dutch footballer.
Expression ' it is physical in Holland and fast' sounds very odd.
He probably meant that the 'ball' got kicked all over the park.
Footballers usually refer to themselves in this strange way, instead of saying the football got kicked, they say 'I got kicked' as if the ball was attached to their foot.
Hope this helps.
>Sorry - have just realized that you have already shown the context.
>This seems to be part of an interview with a Dutch footballer.

or someone who was signed up by a Dutch club and spent som time there.

>Expression ' it is physical in Holland and fast' sounds very odd.

I'd say it simply means "the game is fast and there is a lot of physical contact between players" (while most people, myself included, believe that Dutch football relies on technical skill)

>He probably meant that the 'ball' got kicked all over the park.
>Footballers usually refer to themselves in this strange way, instead
>of saying the football got kicked, they say 'I got kicked' as if the
>ball was attached to their foot.

I took this to mean "Wherever I was on the pitch, I was tackled and it wasn't fair play"

Glad to see a Brit posting here!
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