biografia Frank Sinatra

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Frank Sinatra was born in 12 December 1915 in Hoboken in New Jersey, died 14 May 1998 in Los Angeles. Sinatra was a American Singer and mation-picture actor. Sinatra was the only children of Italian imigrants Natalie Della Garaventa and Antonio Martino Sinatra. Sinatra began singing for tips at the age of eight, standing on top of the bar at a local club in Hoboken. He began singing professionally as a teenager in the 1930s. He had 3 wife. First wife was a Nancy Barbato Sinatra young love Frank. He had 3 children with Nancy 2 daughter and 1 son. In the all world people know his song. The most of popular is ,,My Way'', ,,New York, New York'', ,,Love and Marriage'' and ,,Strangers in the night'' this song polish singer Violetta Villas and Frank Sinatra sang in Casino de Paris.
'Frank' (nie, jego imie bylo FRANCIS ALBERT) Sinatra was born 'in' (zle slowo) 12TH December 1915 in Hoboken in New Jersey(,) AND HE died ON THE 14 May 1998 in Los Angeles. Sinatra was a American Singer and 'mation' (co to niby za slowo-popraw)-picture actor. Sinatra was the only 'children' (dlaczego piszesz slowo ktore znaczy dzieCI a nie dziecKO) of Italian 'imigrants' (ortog) Natalie Della Garaventa and Antonio Martino Sinatra.
He had 3 'wife' (tutaj potrzeba liczbe mnoga rzeczownika). (a gdzie przedimek) first wife was 'a' (niepotr) Nancy Barbato 'Sinatra young love Frank' (tego to nawet nie rozumiem). He had 3 children with Nancy 2 'daughter' (dlaczego nie rozpoznajesz kiedy maja byc rzecz. l. mnogiej? Co to?) and 1 son. In 'the all' (zla kol slow) world people know his 'song' (tutaj akurat tez powinna byc l. mnoga, bo uwierz mi on w swoim zyciu zaspiewal nie jedna piosenke). The most of popular 'is' (dflaczego uzywasz czasownika l. pojednymczej a pozniej wymieniasz wiecej jak jedna piosenke? Czy naprawde masz trudnosci z l. poj a mnoga?)
This song (a gdzie przedimek) 'polish' (duza litera) singer Violetta Villas 'and Frank Sinatra sang' (zla kol slow) in Casino de Paris.
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FRANCIS ALBERT Sinatra was born on 12TH December 1915 in Hoboken in New Jersey(,) AND HE died ON THE 14 May 1998 in Los Angeles. Sinatra was a American Singer and motion-picture actor. Sinatra was the only child of Italian imimgrants Natalie Della Garaventa and Antonio Martino Sinatra.
He had 3 wifes. A first wife was Nancy Barbato Sinatra love young Frank Sinatra (młodzieńcza miłość F>Sinatry). He had 3 children with Nancy 2 daughters and 1 son. In all the world people know his songs. The most of popular are ,,My Way'', ,,New York, New York'', ,,Love and Marriage'' and ,,Strangers in the night'' this a song Polish singer Violetta Villas sang with Frank Sinatra in Casino de Paris. Sinatra had to enjoy popularity at women.
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